GEO 130 - Spring 2025
Earth's Physical Environments
Tues and Thurs 12:30 - 1:45

Jan 1/14 Tues Unit 1
Glacial and interglacial climates
March of the seasons
Radiation and heat

1/16 Thur
1/21 Tues
1/23 Thur
1/28 Tues
1/30 Thur
Feb 2/4 Tues Unit 1 Test
2/6 Thur Unit 2
Geographic temperature controls
Atmospheric stability
Air pressure and winds
Global atmospheric circulation
El Nino - La Nina
Clouds and precipitation
2/11 Tues
2/13 Thur
2/18 Tues
2/20 Thur
2/25 Tues
2/27 Thur
Mar 3/4 Tues Unit 2 Test
3/6 Thur Unit 3
Extratropical cyclones
Tropical cyclones
Climate and biomes
Plate tectonics and crustal motion
3/11 Tues
3/13 Thur
3/25 Tues
3/27 Thur
April 4/1 Tues
4/3 Thur
4/8 Tues Unit 3 Test
4/10 Thur

Unit 4
Volcanic landforms
Glacial and periglacial landforms
Fluvial landforms
Karst landforms
Coastal landforms

4/15 Tues
4/17 Thur
4/22 Tues
4/24 Thur
4/27 Sun Google Earth UK Core project due by 11:59 pm in Canvas
4/29 Tues Prep Day
May 5/1 Thur Reading Day
5/8 Thur Unit 4 Test (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)