Finance Committee Meeting
Patterson Office Tower, 18th Floor
Finance Committee Meeting
Friday, September 5, 2014
Patterson Office Tower, 18th Floor
10:30 a.m.
I. Welcome and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes - June 10, 2014
III. Business Items
A. FCR 1 Matthew and Jenna Mitchell Pledge
B. FCR 2 Roger L. Nicholson Gift and Pledge
C. FCR 3 M. Lynn Parrish Gift and Pledge
D. FCR 4 L. Stanley Pigman Gift and Pledge
E. FCR 5 Chris T. Sullivan Gift and Pledge
F. FCR 6 The Estate of Maywin S. Lauderdale Gift
I. FCR 9 Improve/Upgrade Alumni Drive Capital Project
J. FCR 10 Renovate/Upgrade Academic Space – Patterson Hall Capital Project
K. FCR 11 Repair/Upgrade/Expand Central Plants Capital Project (CUP Boiler Feed Water System)
L. FCR 12 Repair/Upgrade/Improve Building Mechanical Systems Capital Project (F. Paul Anderson Tower)
M. FCR 13 Upgrade/Renovate Space in Multi-Disciplinary Science Building Capital Project
N. FCR 14 Lease/Purchase of Defibrillator Equipment – UK HealthCare
T. FCR 20 Authorization for Disposal of Surplus Equipment
W. FCR 23 Renovate/Replace Playing Field – Commonwealth Stadium Capital Project
X. FCR 24 Fiscal Year 2014-15 Budget Revisions
Y. FCR 25 Capital Construction Report
Z. FCR 26 Patent Assignment Report
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment