Appendix C
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Quantitative Results

Sample Characteristics By Age

        Participants in the study were broken down into three age categories: ages 18-24 (21.8%), ages 25-45 (55.1%), and ages 46 and older (23.1%). Descriptive data were examined separately for each age group. These data are presented in Table Three. Several variables exhibited differences across age groups. Older participants were more likely than younger participants to report that they owned their own home (c2 (2) = 14.29, p<.001).  Library usage also varies by age. Of those participants who reported having never used a library, a smaller percentage were in the youngest group (7.7%) than in the oldest group (38.5%), c2 (2) = 9.35, p<.01. In contrast, only 12.5% of those who reported having used a library were in the oldest group. Older participants reported having significantly fewer children living at home than did both the youngest and the middle-aged group, F (2, 75) = 7.30, p<.001.

 Table Three: Sample Characteristics by Age



Ages 18-24

Ages 25-45

Ages 46+

KTAP Participation

Does not receive KTAP

12 (22.2%)

27 (50%)

15 (27.8%)

Receives KTAP

5 (20.8%)

16 (66.7%)

3 (12.5%)


Home Ownership***

Does not own home

14 (35.9%)

22 (56.4%)

3 (7.7%)

Does own home

3 (8.1%)

20 (54.1%)

14 (37.8%)


Previous Experience with Adult Education

Has not had friend or relative in adult education

6 (22.2%)

12 (44.4%)

9 (33.3%)

Has had a friend or relative in adult education


10 (20.8%)

29 (60.4%)

9 (18.8%)

Library Usage**

Never used a library

2 (7.7%)

14 (53.8%)

10 (38.5%)

Has used a library

15 (31.3%)

27 (56.3%)

6 (12.5%)


Number of children***

Mean number of children





Current Employment


1 (10%)

7 (70%)

2 (20%)


7 (25%)

17 (60.7%)

4 (14.3%)

Employed Full-time

9 (23.1%)

18 (46.2%)

12 (30.8%)


Motivation for Adult Education

For money or job-related reasons

10 (28.6%)

18 (51.4%)

7 (20%)

For the sake of learning

2 (10%)

11 (55%)

7 (35%)

For family-related reasons

4 (28.6%)

9 (64.3%)

1 (7.1%)

No motivation

1 (20%)

3 (60%)

1 (20%)

·         p<.05  ** p<.01  *** p<.001

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Last modified: April 16, 2000