Quantitative Results
Differences Among Counties
In order to assess the adequacy of our sample, we examined demographic
differences across the participating counties in the study. Distributions were equivalent across counties for gender (c2
(6) = 9.69, NS), marital status (c2 (6) = 6.11, NS), home ownership
(c2 (6) = 5.25, NS), library usage (c2 (6) = 8.96, NS),
and years of schooling (F (6, 75) = 0.74, NS),
There were some noteworthy differences in sample characteristics across
counties. KTAP recipients were more commonly found in Eastern counties than in
other counties in the study (c2
(6) = 27.58, p<.001). There was a difference between counties in terms of
number of children, F (6, 73) = 3.44, p<.01, although post hoc Tukey
comparisons did not indicate significant between county differences.
Nevertheless, an examination of the data suggested that participants in West 3
County (mean = 0.42 children) had fewer children than did participants in East 2
(Mean = 2.69) and East 1 (Mean = 1.89) counties. |