Quantitative Results
Sample Characteristics By Gender
Several demographic characteristics were examined
by gender of participant. These data are presented in Table Two. More females
than males report receiving KTAP (c2 (1) = 12.04, p<.001).
Specifically, of all of the KTAP recipients in the sample, 25% are male, whereas
75% are female; in contrast, of the participants who do not receive KTAP, 67.3%
are male, whereas only 32.7% are female. Of
the respondents who own their own home, significantly more participants are male
(70.3%) than are female (29.7%), c2 (1) = 6.01, p<.01.
Female participants reported having more school-aged children living at
home than did males (MFemale = 1.87, MMale = 1.02, t (77)
= -2.56, p<.01). Females were m ore likely than were males to report
being unemployed, whereas males were more likely than females to report being
employed full-time, c2 (2) = 13.88, p<.001. Table Two: Sample Characteristics By Gender
p<.05 **
p<.01 *** p<.001 |