Home Contents Executive Summary Introductory Stories Emergent Themes Policy Issues Recommendations


Recommendations for Improved Service Delivery

Build on adult learners' motivations
Counsel rather than Test
Emphasize Relevance
Recognize Resistance
The significance of location
Improve Services for Students with Learning Disabilities
Improve Services for ESL Students
Expand the Advisory Role of Adult Education Providers to Address        

Recommendations for Strategic Enrollment Management &

Creating Strategic Organizations
Marketing adult education services
Selecting a Market

Recommendations for Additional Training for Instructors

Recommendations for Further Study

What other populations should be served?
What is the culture of the adult education classroom?
What kinds of alternative curricula are possible?
What kinds of alternative credentials are possible?
What about math?
What about computer literacy?
What kind of media is best for promoting adult education?

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 16, 2000