(26 of 40)

Dental Lamina of Successional Teeth

This is a higher magnification of the developing teeth seen in the preceding image (# 25). The attachment of the dental lamina (A) of the permanent tooth to adjacent epithelium is incomplete. The dental lamina for the successional tooth originates from the dental organ of the deciduous tooth near its dental lamina. Note the difference in morphology between the cervical loop region (B) in the deciduous tooth. The cervical loop turns inward once crown formation is complete and becomes the epithelial diaphragm (C). This will migrate downward to next form the root of the tooth. Identify the remaining structures indicated alphabetically.




A - dental lamina of permanent tooth
B - cervical loop
C - epithelial diaphragm

D - stellate reticulum
E - dentin
F - enamel

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