The Secret of Yemaya
Spot Five Photo Biennial Show, Louisville, Kentucky, 2013
IAGO, Graphic Arts Institute of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2008
During my residency and research in Mexico at Museograbado, Centro de Formacion, Produccion, e Investigacion Grafica, I continued this experimentation where I specifically dealt with creating a process whereby I could take small scale, low resolution video stills and create large scale photolithographs.
These prints are densely inked on archival paper and are a widely accepted form of the traditional printmaking genre. The residency resulted in the creation of an edition of 20 prints. One of which will remain in the permanent collection of the Museo de Arte Abstracto Manuel Felguerez.
The Secrets of Yemaya, based on a still from a video documentary I am editing on Cuban artist Salvador Gonzalez, depicts a vase that holds the secret stones of the Santeria goddess Yemaya.