Doreen Maloney
Professor, University of Kentucky
2024 "Elevated Fears and Suspended Dreams, Solo Large Exhibition, EKU, curator: Melissa Vandenberg Richmond, Kentucky; Show consisted of 3 large scale installations: Clouds (2024); A Robot Contemplates a Suicide (realized 2023); and Lanternhouse 2017)
2013 "Self vs. Self", solo exhibition, Twist Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee (Regional)
2005 "Conversations", Downtown Arts Center, Lexington, KY (Local)
2004 "Resonance", Academy of Fine Arts, Crakow, Poland, invited by Prof. Antoni Porczak (International)
2003 "Resonance", Farzin Sadr Gallery, Lexington, KY (Local)
2024 "Curiosities, Ephemera, EKU, curated:Â Muse Collective, Richmond KY
2024 "The Promised Land, Hide me, Steal Me, Be Nice to Me’ (Freedom to roam, overcoming barriers, confronting crossings) Arte.M, Madeira Island, Portugal Curator: Diana Ali (UK)
2024 "Room Zoom, Hide me, Steal Me, Be Nice to Me’ (Freedom to roam, overcoming barriers, confronting crossings) Arte.M, Madeira Island, Portugal Curator: Diana Ali (UK)
2024 "Elevated Fears and Suspended Dreams, Solo Large Exhibition, EKU, curator: Melissa Vandenberg Richmond, Kentucky; Show consisted of 3 large scale installations: Clouds (2024); A Robot Contemplates a Suicide (realized 2023); and Lanternhouse 2017
2023 "Twin Spirit House, selected The Project Exhibition, Gamgeung Nature Art Center, Korea. Collaboration with Ruth Adams.
2023 "A Robot Contemplates a Suicide, Faculty Series Vol VI, Lexington KY
2020 "Personal Weather, 48 Stunden Neukoelln, Berlin, Germany
2019 "Memory in Morse, Loss and Lucidity, Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal
2019 "Memory in Morse, Loss and Lucidity, Appelton Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
2018 "Ed and Gurney", Parachute Factory, Lexington, KY
2018 "Lanternhouse, No Place Like Home," 48 Stunden Neukoelln, Berlin, Germany
2018 "Memory in Morse, Winter is like a Cloudy Day on a Wintry Beach", SPACES, Venice, Italy
2018 "Memory in Morse, Winter is like a Cloudy Day on a Wintry Beach", Alchemic Cities, New York, NY
2018 "Lanterhouse", MWSPE, Lexington KY
2018 "Lanternouse", Open Source, LACDA, Los Angeles, CA
2018 "Memory in Morse, Winter is like a Cloudy Day on a Wintry Beach", Loss and Lucidity, Santa Ana, CA
2018 "Lanternhouse", 48 Hours of Neukoelln, Berlin, Germany
2018 "Lanternhouse",Home SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC
2018 "Memory in Morse, Winter is like a Cloudy Day on a Wintry Beach", WomenCinemakers, Berlin, Germany
2017 "Lanternhouse ", Currents New Media, Santa Fe, NM
2017 "Lanternhouse ", Lubeznik Center, Michigan City, IN
2016 "Halt", Cracow Gallery, Crakcow, Poland
2017 "No Place Like Home/Balay", ConnectGlo, Bernheim Forest, KY
2014 "It Kills Me", New Baroque, Tramps like Us, Lexington, KY
2014 "It Kills Me", New Baroque Catalogue, publication
2014 "It Kills Me", "Racers" at the Terminal/Physical Space , Austin Peay State University, Tennessee
2014 "Ossuary", Herron Gallery, IUPUI, Indianapolis (National, traveling group show)
2013 "Secrets of Yemaya", Spot Five Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky
2013 "It Kills Me", 2nd International Exhibition Media and Visual Arts, Izmir, Turkey
2013 "Ossuary", University of Tennesee, Knoxville (National, traveling group show)
2012 "Ossuary", Madison, Wisconsin; Invitational (National, traveling group show)
2012 "Cloud Watcher", Lexington Kentucky, Gallery 193 (Local)
2011 "Desk Project/Boys Room", Gallery 5533, Istanbul Biennial Side Project, Turkey
2011 "Can You Hear Me", Moscow Biennial, Moscow Russia
2011 "Living and Dying in Sicilian Time", LaMama Theater, New York, New York
2011 "Crash Site", New Harmony Gallery, New Harmony Indiana,
Invited, curator Alison Erazmus
2011 "Need for Speed", "30 Second Spot" New Media Caucus Exhibition, SVA, New York, curator Mat Rappaport
2010 "Summer/Winter", IATECH Alumni Show, Madison, Wisconsin, juried Joseph Koykkar
2010 "Summer/Winter", Wallpaper, The Miller House, Lexington KY, invited Chesney Turner
2009 "Cloud Watcher", Lexington Kentucky, curator Bruce Burris (Local)
2009 "Peaches, Rotting", Lexington Film League Inaugural Show, Louden House, Lexington.
2009 "Art Canon", Public Video Installation, Downtown Lexington. (Invited)
2009 "I am Kansas", Subversive Correspondence, Installation, The Gallery at Willesden Green, London, UK.
2008 "The Secrets of Yemaya", photolitho print, IAGO, Oaxaca, Mexico (International)
2008 "Summer", Kentucky Biennial, Lexington, KY (Local)
2008 "Summer", Home and Away: Contemporary Video Art, JayJay Gallery, Sacramento, CA (National)
2008 "Crash Site" and "Texas Stadium Religion", Pompidou Center, Paris France, Pocket Film Series (Int’l)
2008 "Crash Site" and "Texas Stadium Religion", for Real Time, Dallas Center for Contemporary Art, Dallas
TX, Dean Terry curator (National)
2008 "Peaches, Rotting, 3/19 A View From My Porch, and "Shot" Carlsten Art Gallery (UW- Stevens
Point),Featured Artist Curator: Diana Black (National)
2007 "Morning Ritual", iDEAs 07: Beyond Boundaries at the F.U.E.L. Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Dena Eber,
curator (National)
2007 "Negative", for Bad Luck at the Morlan Gallery, Transylvania University (National)
2007 "Ed and Gurney", Installation, Visions from Voices, Kentucky Craft Museum, Brion Clinkingbeard curator,
Louisville, KY (National)
2007 The Day the Lampshades began to Breathe", Video, Visions from Voices, Kentucky Craft Museum, Brion
Clinkingbeard curator, Louisville, KY (National)
2007 "Conversations", Re-Surfacing, Ohio State University, (National)"
2006 "Conversations", ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL (International)
2006 "Adak", outdoor sculpture; invited by Gul Ilgaz, Gol Yazi, Turkey (International)
2004 "The Secrets of Yemaya", photolitho print, permanent collection of the Museo de Arte Abstracto
Manuel Felguerez, Zacatecas, Mexico (International)
2004 "3/19, A View From My Porch", digital video, Icehouse Gallery and Screening Room, Greenport, NY,
Invitational (National)
2004 "3/19, A View From My Porch", digital video, Tribeca Film Festival, juried by Jon Gartenberg, New
York, NY - See Catalog (International)
2004 "3/19, A View From My Porch", digital video, Powering Up/Powering Down, a international radial
media arts festival and colloquium, juried by Technika Radica, San Diego, CA - (International)
2003 "3/19, A View From My Porch", digital video, Wilmington Independent Film Festival, juried, awarded Official Selection, Wilmington, DE. - See Catalog (National)
2003 "3/19, A View From My Porch", digital video, Exhibition 280/Parameters, juried by
Peter Plagens, Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV - See Catalog (Regional)
2003 "Shot", Video Stills 1-8, juried, at the V International Digital Arts Colloquium, Arte Digital, Havana,
Cuba - See Catalog (International)
2003 "Grazia, Beppino, and the Beans" shown at "Aileye Mahsus" -- Reserved for Family,
Istanbul, Turkey, Invitational - See Catalog (International)
2002 "A Last Dinner with My Grandfather", 25 digital prints, Burpee Museum of Natural History, jurors: Karrie
Porter Brace, Adriana Villa Gomez, and Renee Jensen. Rockford, Illinois (National)
2002 "A Last Dinner with My Grandfather", 25 digital prints, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, IV International
Digital Arts Colloquium, Arte Digital, Havana, Cuba, invited by Sarah Teitler, - See Catalog (International)
2002 "Me Myself and I" (renamed Home is Where I Am) performance Philadelphia CEC Community
Meeting House Theater, Philadelphia, PA (National)
2002 "Subterrain" collaborative performance, juried, New Dance Alliance, Performance Mix, Soho Joyce Theater,
Soho, New York (National)
2000 "Subterrain" collaborative dance performance for Rendez-Vous de La Danse at the Centre Sociocultural
de Porchefontaine Theater, Versailles, Paris, France (International)
2000 "dis poem" collaborative dance video, juried at Il Coreografo Elettronico, Festival Internazionale di Videodanza, Naples, Italy See (International)
2000 "dis poem" collaborative dance video, screened at the Glue Performance Series, Community Education
Center, Philadelphia, PA (National)
2000 "dis poem" collaborative dance video, American Dance Festival, Raleigh-Durham North Carolina, (National)
2000 "In Random Folds of Skin", collaborative dance video at the Festival De Video Danza" in Buenos Aires,
Argentina (International)
2018 "Lanterhouse", Faculty Exhibit: UKSAVS, Lexington, KY
2007 "Outbox", Faculty Exhibit, Juror: Carl Solway, UK Art Museum, Lexington, KY
2006 "Peaches, Rotting", digital video, invited, Shambhala Center, Lexington, KY
2004 Filmmakers Lab, IdeaFestival 2004, Lexington, KY. Instructor: an intensive three-day program taught by a
team of film professionals from across the United States (Local)
2004 "3/19, A View From My Porch", digital video, Transylvania University, Lexington, KY (Local)
2004 3/19 A View From My Porch, essay and still prints, invited, "disclosure, a journal of social theory no. 13";
published annually by disclosure and the Committee on Social Theory; University of Kentucky (Local)
2004 "ShopWise", print, Global Traces: An International Project for Women Artists of all Nations. Women’s Museum in Bonn, Germany (International)
2002 "A Last Dinner with My Grandfather", 25 digital prints, shown at the Transylvania @large show curated by
Andrea Fisher, Lexington, KY (Local)
2000 "Tartuffe", 60 minute documentary produced for the departments of French, Theater and Undergraduate
Studies at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (Local)
2000 "Irina Voro, Once upon a Night", collaborative multi-media piano recital Singletary Center, Lexington,
Kentucky (Local)
2000 "Irina Voro, Once upon a Night" Collaborative multi-media piano recital at Ashland Community College,
Ashland, Kentucky (Regional)
2000 "Women at the Millennium (Fe)Mail Art Show," University of California, Berkeley mail art show, Berkeley, CA
2018 "Memory in Morse, Winter is like a Cloudy Day on a Wintry Beach", WomenCinemakers, Berlin, Germany
2012 Featured artist, Contemporary Performance Network.
2007 "Center for Visualization at University of Kentucky: Arts and Media", Research Channel, 2007
2003 Milliyet, Turkish Daily, Sanatci aile si, Review of Aileye Mahsus (International)
2003 Radikal, Turkish Daily, Hop Hop, galeride aile var!, Review of Aileye Mahsus (International)
2002 NY Arts Magazine, Digital Art is Cuba, review of "A Last Dinner with my Grandfather" by Nancy Atakan (National)