January 13, 2014

UK Core Education Committee (UKCEC)
Date of Meeting: 
Monday, January 13, 2014
Location of Meeting: 
Room 245 Patterson Office Tower
Members Present Ex-Officio Present Guests Present
Jonathan Allison Mike Shanks Chris Thuringer
Ruth Beattie Debbie Sharp  
Russell Brown    
Tracy Campbell    
Amy Gaffney    
Juliana McDonald    
Brian McNely    
Ben Withers (Chair)    


  1. Approval of minutes from December 16, 2013 meeting
  • Approved


  1. Consent Agenda

                U.S. Citizenship

  • GEN 100 – Issues in Agriculture, Food and Environment – APPROVED
  • (This course was a late addition to the agenda, but involved a very minor title change in the course to match the new College name; no other changes to the course were involved)


  1. Revised UK Core Exceptions subcommittee document
  • Approved pending some minor revisions; Mike will make these changes and distribute the final document to Thuringer and other appropriate individuals.


  1. Honors Program Report update
  • UKCEC approves a new process that replaces the previous request for a cover sheet from the Director with separate course review forms for each course being reviewed. Update from Honors Director will be an April agenda item.


  1. Associate Deans meeting update
  • Withers and Thuringer gave a brief presentation to the Associate Deans updating them on UK Core. Items included the updated exceptions and UKC approval policies, course submission deadlines, enrollment data, and assessment reminders.


  1. Other business
  • McDonald expressed concerns over cancelled sections in ANT which is causing some questions and concern within the department.  History is having the same conversation. Recommendation to invite Derek Lane, Jesse Hedge, etc. to help advise from the College perspective. Beattie points out that students are having to take less number of courses than with USP. It’s important that we monitor and understand enrollment pressures and needs moving forward; Thuringer will add this as a future agenda item.


Spring meetings:

Mondays, 3-4:30 pm, 245 POT.

February 17

March 3

March 24

April 7

April 21

May 12


Submitted by Chris Thuringer on February 3, 2014.

Download the minutes: 
Download the agenda: 
Academic Year: 