Senate's UK Core Education Committee (SUKCEC)

Purpose & Charge
The University Senate's UK Core Education Committee is a standing committee of the University Senate. As defined in the Senate Rules, The UK Core Education Committee shall exercise the following functions:

  1. It shall approve and recommend all courses which are proposed to the University Senate to fulfill the program requirements.
  2. It shall maintain long-term oversight of the program, including periodic course review and program assessment to ensure that the program fulfills the learning outcomes.
  3. It shall recommend to the Senate Council the deletion of courses (or pairs of courses) from the program that no longer seem appropriate to the program, and recommend to colleges or departments, through the Chair, such changes concerning teaching and content as it deems necessary or appropriate.
  4. It shall continue to work to enhance the program and assert the program’s centrality to the undergraduate curriculum through involvement in university-wide planning and policy discussions related to the program.
  5. Upon the recommendation of the Undergraduate Council or upon its own initiative, it shall develop and propose changes in the structure of the program or in the requirements necessary to complete the program to the Undergraduate Council for approval and recommendation to the Senate Council and University Senate.
  6. It shall report individual cases of temporary waivers of or temporary substitutions for program requirements to the Undergraduate Council.
  7. It shall set policies for the granting of credit to transfer students for courses taken which are equivalent to those in the program and it shall communicate these policies to all undergraduate colleges (SR 9.19) on campus.