Course Templates
At its May 4, 2009 meeting, the University Senate approved the following ten course templates, with an implementation date of fall 2011. The associated curricular framework had already been approved at the December 8, 2008 Senate meeting. The May vote was subject to final confirmation by the University Senate of the implementation date, and the process of vetting Gen Ed courses for inclusion during fall 2010.
For each of these courses, a template will outline: a) the general purpose of the course category, b) the core competencies that the course will address, c) at least one type of assessment that will demonstrate these competencies. A version of these templates will eventually be used by a committee in Undergraduate Studies charged with oversight of the General Education curriculum, and by faculty wishing to submit courses for Gen Ed credit. For this reason, we have attempted to design templates that are sufficiently specific to create coherence among the courses of a particular area, yet broad enough to invite participation by a variety of disciplines and colleges.
All of the course templates below are PDF documents. You must have a PDF reader in order to view these documents.
The UK Core (general education) curriculum consists of ten courses within four broad areas:
I. Intellectual Inquiry (general preamble)
a. Inquiry in the Humanities
b. Inquiry in the Natural/Physical/Mathematical Sciences
c. Inquiry in the Social Sciences
d. Inquiry in the Arts & Creativity
II. Composition and Communication (I and II)
III. Quantitative Reasoning
a. Quantitative Foundations
b. Statistical Inferential Reasoning
IV. Citizenship
a. Community, Culture and Citizenship in the U.S.
b. Global Dynamics