September 9, 2013
UK Core Education Committe (UKCEC)
Date of Meeting:
Monday, September 9, 2013
Location of Meeting:
Room 107 Breckinridge Hall, 2:00-4:00 pm
Members Present | Ex-Officio Present | Guests Present |
Jonathan Allison | Mike Shanks | Leah Simpson |
Ruth Beattie | Debbie Sharp | Chris Thuringer |
Russell Brown | ||
Heather Bush | ||
Tracy Campbell | ||
Bill Endres | ||
Amy Gaffney | ||
Nancy Jones | ||
Juliana McDonald | ||
Ben Withers |
- Approval of minutes from August 26, 2013 meeting
Approved by consensus.
- Review course approval process
New Course or Course Change proposals in eCATS:
- Courses submitted for UK Core will route to the appropriate Area Expert’s workflow inbox in eCATS
- AEs should contact Joanie to have course added to the course tracking table
- AEs perform initial review of course and can contact the proposer for revisions, if necessary
- AEs will send Course Review form and syllabus to two outside reviewers and ask for comments to be returned within a 1-2 week period
- AEs should send completed reviews to Joanie and Ben
- Course will be added to consent agenda for the next UKCEC meeting; if the next meeting is less than one week away, course will be added to the next agenda after that to allow other members sufficient time to review
Identifying outside reviewers:
- UKCEC should develop standard language that can be used by AEs when contacting potential reviewers
- AEs can use contacts in their area who have taught a UK Core course before – consider contacting potential reviewers early in the semester to request their help if needed in the future
- Their review should take relatively little time (20-30 minutes) – they are looking for evidence in the syllabus that the course supports the learning outcomes
- Letter from Associate Provost will be sent to recognize reviewers for their effort
- UKC course review
Course review process:
- Experimental courses, may not exactly fit the learning outcomes – UKCEC should still communicate with the proposer to alert them to potential deficiencies so that the course can be approved for UK Core later
- The UKC Course Submission form, Course Review form, and syllabus will be circulated to UKCEC members via email (UKC courses are processed outside of eCATS)
- Members will have 48 hours to review and reply with comments
- Associate Provost will make final decision after reviewing member comments
New UKC course proposal: “Why Do We Love Facebook?”
- Proposed for Humanities, spring 2014
- Revisions to be requested:
- Expand writing requirement – currently only one 3-page group report
- Studying Facebook provides no historical component – explain how this outcome will be addressed
- All work is group work – add individual work, or assign individual grades within group work
- UKCEC will conduct another review when the syllabus has been revised
- Information Literacy requirement on Course Review forms
- Overview of what each Course Review form currently states regarding information literacy component
- A brief definition of information literacy should be included on each form
- Debbie Sharp will provide
- Members should suggest modifications to the current information literacy component on each form
- UK Core Summit agenda
State of the Core:
- Introduce UKCEC members
- Senate Rules update
- SACS feedback
- Course approvals totals by area
- Core enrollment
Assessment update:
- Schedule
- C&C assessment update
- Citizenship assessment update
Innovation in the Core
Past investments in the Core
Financial model and the Core
- Melody Flowers will attend
- UKCEC members to weigh in on concerns and how the Core may be affected
- Meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.
Prepared by Joanie Ett-Mims on September 11, 2013
Download the minutes:
Download the agenda:
Academic Year: