November 18, 2013
Members Present | Ex-Officio Present | Guests Present |
Jonathan Allison | Mike Shanks | Chris Thuringer |
Ruth Beattie | Debbie Sharp | |
Russell Brown | ||
Tracy Campbell | ||
Amy Gaffney | ||
Nancy Jones | ||
Juliana McDonald | ||
Brian McNely | ||
Ben Withers (Chair) |
- First Year Experience student survey items
This semester, UKC courses will be included in a teacher course evaluation pilot using the eXplorance program. This will allow the ability to ask questions that specifically map back to learning outcomes for the Core area of each UKC course (the paper TCEs currently only include questions regarding the old USP program).
In addition, the Office of Assessment is already surveying students through the First Year Experience survey. We could include items on that survey as well that map back to learning outcomes for the Core.
- Honors Program update
The new Honors program doesn’t map directly onto UK Core like the old program did with the USP program. Now there are four Honors seminars that correspond to the four Core areas of inquiry. These seminars were approved for UK Core as subtitled courses. At the time of that approval, the UKCEC agreed to allow the Honors program to create new courses under these subtitles without having each individual course vetted through the UKCEC. However, the Honors program would be required to periodically report back to the committee to show that they are approving courses that meet UK Core standards.
The current UKCEC requests that the Honors program provide a report and a representative sample of the current HON course syllabi for review.
- Establish course submission deadlines
It may be helpful for course proposers if the UCKEC provides general deadlines for submitting permanent course proposals and UKC course proposals. Deadlines would be set according to which semester the proposer wishes to be able to teach the course. Submitting by these deadlines would not necessarily guarantee final Senate approval by the desired semester, but proposers would at least have an indication of when they should be submitting their courses.
Chris will formalize his proposal and circulate it to the event planning folks, Karen Badger with Undergraduate Council, and Sheila Brothers with Senate Council.
- Approval of minutes from October 21, 2013 meeting
Approved by consensus.
- Information updates
- UKCEC spring meeting schedule: Mondays from 3-4:30 pm seem to work the best for most members – exact dates will be announced
- UKC Distance Learning change request: UK Core courses are able to be taught as Distance Learning, but UKC courses currently are not; a major change request will be put through to allow UKC courses to be taught as DL
- UKC Course Description change: currently UKC courses are not repeatable for credit; the change will allow UKC courses to be repeatable for credit up to 6 CR as subtitles change
- Citizenship Faculty Forum: Tuesday, November 19, 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Any instructor who currently teaches or previously taught a Citizenship course was invited to attend and provide feedback on the evaluation process for the area and the assessment rubric.
- C&C Assessment Strategy: currently pursuing a portfolio approach, including oral, written and visual pieces, with a drafts and revisions process
- Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Prepared by Joanie Ett-Mims on November 20, 2013