August 14, 2012
Members Present | Ex-Officio Present | Guests Present |
Jonathan Allison | Mike Shanks | Susan Carvalho |
Ruth Beattie | Kathy Crouch | |
Patty Cook-Craig | Gary Gaffield | |
Amy Gaffney | Chris Thuringer | |
Susan Larson | ||
Jenny Rice | ||
David Royster |
eCATS overview and training. Kathy Crouch gave the group a brief tour through the new electronic Curricular Approval Tracking System (eCATS), which should be ready to move into production for UKCEC by Friday, August 17. Area experts may then send reviewers to the Request Tracking page to view course proposals and attachments. The group felt it may be helpful for reviewers if examples of past reviews are posted to this site. It was decided that Committee members should email examples of good reviews to Joanie Ett‐Mims so that these may be sent on to Kathy Crouch.
Review of approval steps. After the college approves a course submission for UK Core, area experts should review the course and syllabus before sending out to two reviewers of their choice. When reviews are returned, send to Dr. Beattie. Proposal will be put before the full Committee for a vote and sent on to Undergraduate Council if approved.
Approval of June 26, 2012 meeting minutes. Dr. Royster motioned to approve minutes, seconded by Dr. Gaffney. Minutes were approved without modification.
Discussion of UK’s 2+2 Program. Susan Carvalho and Gary Gaffield met with the group to continue the discussion from the June 26, 2012 meeting regarding UK Core and UK’s 2+2 Program. Discussion included the option of a GETA‐type agreement for students in the 2+2 Program who have completed their home University’s general education requirements. This would grant them only partial certification (7 of 10 areas, with students completing C&C I and II, and US Citizenship requirements at UK). Dr. Carvalho offered to send materials out to the group for further review.
Foreign Language requirement at UK. Dr. Carvalho stated concern regarding the University’s foreign language requirement. Whose responsibility is it to finalize a policy? Discussion to be continued.
Update on status of courses in review.
Humanities: GER 343, MCL 270, SPA 262
US Citizenship: LIN 331 (ready for consent agenda at next UKCEC meeting) -
Assessment and approval of revised rubrics. Chris Thuringer updated the group on assessment of the four UK Core learning outcomes. Each semester that a UK Core course is offered, students will upload one assessable assignment to Blackboard. Each year only two outcomes will be assessed, pulling a 10% sample from the assignments that were submitted. Creating these assignments should be easier for instructors now that the rubrics have been crafted.
Also regarding assessment: Teacher Course Evaluation (TCE) forms still ask a series of questions for USP courses. Need to be updated with more relevant UK Core questions.
UK Core Summit should be planned for September or October to share updates with faculty, others. Review the past year and highlight what is coming this year regarding UK Core.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.
Prepared by Joanie Ett‐Mims on August 15, 2012