November 5, 2012

UK Core Education Committee (UKCEC)
Date of Meeting: 
Monday, November 5, 2012
Location of Meeting: 
Keeneland Room, WT Young Library, 2:00-4:00 pm
Members Present Ex-Officio Present Guests Present
Ruth Beattie Debbie Sharp Leah Simpson
Heather Bush   Chris Thuringer
Patty Cook   Melody Flowers
Nancy Jones    
Juliana McDonald    
Jenny Rice    


  1. Course Approvals

CIS 112/WRD 112 (Comp and Comm II) – approved 

  1. Update on UK Core Summit

Chris Thuringer and Leah Simpson provided a review of the UK Core Summit, which was held on October 18.  This summit was an opportunity to review the history, assessment process & data, and revised rubrics for the UK Core program.  Some questions were raised regarding what data is available for assessment and if there will be a review of the course templates.  Also, there were questions regarding upcoming University budget cuts.  Will these cuts affect class size (and thus require a revision to course templates)?  The point was made that the budget could change every semester, but we can’t necessarily change UK Core requirements every semester.

The slide presentation and audience handout from the Summit will be posted to the UK Core website:

  1. Melody Flowers, Director of Financial Model Implementation: future budget model and UK Core

Based on UK’s mission - how do we accomplish as much of this as possible?  The University is moving to an incentive-based budget; not as centralized, but will still have access to centrally held funds.  What is the model/equation going to look like?  Will it encourage collaborative, cross-disciplinary teaching?  UKCEC needs to think about how this will affect the integrity of the Core – will departments need to temporarily revise classes?  First we need to see the full impact of the changes, and then take our concerns to the Senate.  UKCEC to pull together suggested metrics based on assessment.

  1. Approval of UKCEC Senate Rules draft

Initiate conversation with Lee Blonder (Senate Council Chair) and Davy Jones (Senate Rules and Elections Committee Chair) to obtain Senate approval of revisions to Senate Rules, updating USP language to UK Core.

  1. SOC 303 – Existing course that will be proposed for UK Core Statistical Inferential Reasoning.  Will proposers need to change prerequisites or seat offerings, etc.?  Proposers should be encouraged to submit and it will be reviewed by UKCEC.
  1. Approval of new TCE items for online course evaluations

Currently, instructors have multiple options for Teacher Course Evaluations: paper version, online, or their own version customized to their department.  UKCEC should consider how to go about standardizing evaluations for UK Core courses.  What would be the approval process beyond UKCEC once we have developed a proposal?

  1. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Prepared by Joanie Ett-Mims on November 6, 2012.

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