Refrigerant Management Program
The University of Kentucky’s Refrigerant Management Program establishes the framework for how UK will comply with Title VI of the Clean Air Act (CAA), Stratospheric Ozone Protection. The sections of this regulation that UK must follow include Servicing of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners, Recycling and Emissions Reduction, and Halon Emissions Reduction. These sections establish the requirements for the service, maintenance, repair, and disposal of appliances containing ozone depleting substances (ODS) or non-ODS substances. Learn more about these substances, the appliances that are covered by UK’s program, and who participates in the program on the following pages.

Read the complete Refrigerant Management Program operated by UK.

Learn more about the Federal Stratospheric Ozone Regulations applicable to UK.

Are you certified to work on refrigerant appliances? Do you buy or sale refrigerants for UK? Do you know you cannot knowingly release refrigerants? Do you use recycle/reclaiming equipment? Review these details before taking an action.

Review the compliance responsibilities of all employees, contractors, or vendors that handle, order, service, maintain, repair, or dispose of refrigerants, refrigerant appliances, or halons.

Review the operating procedures, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for installing any appliance that contains a refrigerant, regardless of type or quantity of refrigerant in the appliance.

Review the operating procedures, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for working on an appliance containing refrigerant, regardless of type or quantity of refrigerant in the appliance.

Review the operating procedures, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for disposing of any appliance that contains a refrigerant, regardless of type or quantity of refrigerant in the appliance.

Review the operating procedures, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements when working on air conditioners of motor vehicles or motor-like vehicles.

Review the operating requirements when using halon-containing equipment.