Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste must be managed according to state and federal regulations and UK policy. The Environmental Quality Management Department (EQM) is available to provide consultation and pick-up services for all UK campus and HealthCare units to ensure safe and compliant hazardous waste management operations.

UK requires that all individuals that have any role in the management of hazardous waste be knowledgeable of its safe and compliant handling and be able to provide proof of that knowledge.

There are written and personal resources available for ensuring compliant and safe hazardous waste management operations. There are also opportunities to interact with EQM staff as part of their regular inspections of hazardous waste generating locations.

Waste minimization is a national policy specifically mandated by the U.S. Congress in the 1984 Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The Act requires hazardous wastes to be minimized to the extent possible. This section describes some of the practices used, in collaboration with the Campus Recycling Department, to meet these requirements and to support Campus Sustainability efforts.

To facilitate timely and accurate waste disposal requests to the Environmental Quality Management Department, a web-based service is available for members of the UK community that have been properly trained and authorized. Referred to as E-Trax this tool is a critical component of compliant and safe waste management practices.