

Anderson, A., Bennan, P., Burnett C., & Waddell, A. (2020). Advancing Health Policy Education in Nursing:  American Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Policy Think Tank. Journal of Professional Nursing, Prof Nurs. 2020 May - Jun;36(3):100-105. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.09.002. Epub 2019 Sep 5. PubMed PMID: 32527629 .


Chahal, J. K., Li, C. R., Follingstad, D. R., & Renzetti, C. M. (2020). Are College Students’ Attitudes Related to Their Application of Sanctions for Campus Sexual Assault Cases? Journal of Interpersonal Violence.


Coker, A.L., Bush, H.M., Brancato, C.J., Huang, Z., Clear, E.R., & Follingstad, D.R.  (2020).  Longer term impact of bystander training to reduce violence acceptance and sexism.  Journal of School Violence, 19(4), 525-538.  doi:  10.1080/15388220.2020.1760108.


Cole, H., Prassel, H., Keller, P., & Carlson C.R. (2020).  Religious beliefs and behaviors as predictors of substance use among college students.  Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 12, 101-115.


Crowder, J. Burnett, C., Laughon, K., Byon, H., Yan, G., Acierno, R., Teaster P., & Hinton, I (2020). Exploration and Comparison of Contextual Characteristics and Mistreatment Prevalence among Older American Indian and Alaska Native Respondents: Secondary Analysis of the National Elder Mistreatment Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020 Jun 1:886260520922356. doi: 10.1177/0886260520922356


Follingstad, D.R., Li, C.R., Chahal, J.K. et al. (2020) Students’ Perceptions of Justice: Application of Sanctions, Guilt, and Responsibility in Campus Sexual Assault Cases. Journal of Family Violence.


Follingstad, D.R., Renzetti, C.M., & Chahal, J.K.  (2020). College students’ perceptions of justice in campus sexual assault cases.  In C.M. Renzetti & D.R. Follingstad (Eds.),   Adjudicating campus sexual misconduct and assault:  Controversies and challenges.  San Diego, CA:  Cognella Academic Publishing.


Li, C., Follingstad, D.R., Campe, M.I., & Chahal, J.K.  (2020, Online first).  Identifying invalid responders in a campus climate survey:  Types, impact on data, and best indicators.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence.


Miller-Perrin, C.L., Perrin, R.D., & Renzetti, C.M. (2020)."Violence and maltreatment relationships.” Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.

Renzetti, C.M., & Follingstad, D.R. (Eds.).  (2020).  Adjudicating campus sexual misconduct assault:  Controversies and challenges.   San Diego, CA:  Cognella Academic Publishing.


Renzetti, C.M., & Morris, E. (forthcoming)."Women, men, and society: The sociology of gender." Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 



Burnett, C., Crowder, J., Bacchus, L., Schminkey, D., Bullock, L., Sharps, P., & Campbell, J. (2019): "It doesn’t freak us out the way it used to:” An Evaluation of the Domestic Violence Enhanced Home Visitation Program (DOVE) to Inform Practice and Policy Screening for IPV. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, February 2019, online, p 1-26, DOI: 10.1177/08862605198271


Bush H.M., Coker A.L., DeGue S., Clear E.R., Brancato C.J., Fisher B.S. (2019). Do violence acceptance and bystander actions explain the effects of Green Dot on reducing violence perpetration in high schools? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 886260519888206. Advance online publication.


Crowder, J., Burnett, C., Laughon, K., & Driesbach, C., (2019). Elder Abuse in American Indian Communities: An Integrative Review, Journal of Forensic Nursing: October/December 2019, 15(4), p 250–258. doi: 10.1097/JFN.0000000000000259




Burnett, C., Swanberg, M., Hudson, A, Schminkey, D. (2018). Structural Justice: A critical feminist framework exploring the intersection between justice, equity and structural reconciliation. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 11 (4), p. 52-68. Winter 2018.


Cole, H., Prassel, H., & Carlson, C.R. (2018).  A meta-analysis of computer-delivered drinking interventions for college students: A comprehensive review of studies from 2010-2016.  Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79, 686-696.


Renzetti, C. M., Edleson, J. L., & Bergen, R. K. (Eds.) (2018). Sourcebook on violence against women (3/e). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Renzetti, C. M., & Adair, A. M. (2018). Interpersonal and family violence. In A. J. Treveño (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of social problems, Vol. 2 (pp. 327-344). New York: Cambridge University Press.



Bush J., Bush H.M., Coker, A.L, Brancato, C.J., Clear, E.R., Recktenwald, E.A. “Total and Marginal Cost Analysis for a High School Based Bystander Intervention.” (2017). Journal of School Violence.


Coker, A.L., Bush, H.M., Follingstad, D.R., & Brancato, C.J. (2017).  Frequency of Guns in the Households of High School Seniors. The Journal of school health87(3), 153–158.


Follingstad, D.R.  The challenges of measuring violence against women.  (2017).  In C.M.                 Renzetti, J.L. Edleson, & R.K. Bergen (Eds.), Sourcebook on violence against women (Third Edition), 57-77.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, Inc.


Renzetti, C.M., Follingstad, D.R., & Coker, A.L. (Eds.).  (2017).  Preventing intimate partner violence:  Interdisciplinary perspectives.  Bristol, UK: University of Bristol Policy Press.


Russell, M. E. B., Scott, A., Boggero, I. A., & Carlson, C. R. (2017). Inclusion of a rest period in diaphragmatic breathing increases high frequency heart rate variability: Implications for behavioral therapy. Psychophysiology, 54 , 358-365.


Renzetti, C.M., Follingstad, D.R., & Coker, A.L.  (2017).  Preventing intimate partner violence.  In C.M. Renzetti, D.R. Follingstad, & A.L. Coker (Eds.), Preventing intimate partner violence:  Interdisciplinary perspectives, 1-14.  Bristol, UK:  University of Bristol Policy Press.


Renzetti, C.M., Follingstad, D.R., & Fleet, D.  (2017).  Innovative programs to economically empower women and prevent intimate partner violence revictimization.  In C.M. Renzetti, D.R. Follingstad, & A.L. Coker (Eds.), Preventing intimate partner violence:  Interdisciplinary perspectives, 209-228.  Bristol, UK:  University of Bristol Policy Press.


Renzetti, C. M. (2017). Feminist criminologies. In A. Brisman, E. Carrabine, & N. South (Eds.), Routledge companion to criminological theory and concepts (pp. 172-176). London: Routledge.


DeWall, C.N., Lynch, K.R., & Renzetti, C.M. (2017). Love and hurt: Why we aggress against loved ones. In B. J. Bushman (Ed.), Aggression and violence: A social psychological perspective (pp. 259-274). New York: Taylor & Francis.



Bartley, E.J., Schmidt, J.E., Carlson, C.R., & Fillingim, R.B.  (date).  Psychosocial considerations in TMD.   In Temporomandibular Disorders: A Translational Approach From Basic Science to Clinical Applicability, G.D. Klasser and H. Gremillion, Eds.


Boggero, I. A., Rojas, M. V., Carlson, C. R., & de Leeuw, R. (2016). Satisfaction with life in orofacial pain disorders: Associations and theoretical implications.  Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache, 30, 99-106.


Coker, A.L., Follingstad, D.R., Bush, H.M., & Fisher, B.S.  (2016).  Are interpersonal violence rates higher among young women in college compared with those never attending college?  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31(8), 1413-1429.   


Coker A.L., Bush, H.M., Fisher, B.S., Swan, S.C., Williams, C.M., Clear, E.R., DeGue, S. Multi-college bystander intervention evaluation for violence prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 2016, Volume 50(3), pp.295 – 302.


Coker, A.L., Follingstad, D.R., Garcia, L.S., & Bush, H.M. (2016). Impact of partner supportive and interfering behaviors during women’s cancer care and recovery. Psycho-oncology. Online at:


Coker, A.L., Follingstad, D.R., Garcia, L.S., & Bush. H.M.  (2016). Intimate partner violence and women’s cancer quality of life. Cancer Causes and Control,1-17. doi:10.1007/s10552-016-0833-3.  Online First:


Coker, A.L., Recktenwald, E., & Banyard, V. (2016). Primary prevention programs in educational settings: Toward IPV & Sexual Violence Prevention. Chapter in Book resulting from  NSF / NIJ


Follingstad, D.R., Coker, A.L., Lee, E., Williams, C.M., & Bush, H.M. (2016). Young women's experience of intimate partner violence and use of prescription drugs. Violence Against Women.


Follingstad, D.R., Coker, A.L., Garcia, L.S., & Bush, H.M. (2016).  Psychometric evaluation of novel measures of partner interfering and supportive behaviors among women with cancer.  Psycho-Oncology, 25(12).


Follingstad, D.R., Coker, A.L., Chahal, J.K., Brancato, C.J., & Bush, H.M.  (2016).  Do guns in the home predict gender and relationship attitudes?  An exploratory study.  Journal of Abuse, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 25(10), 1097-1116.


Effgen S.K., McCoy, S.W., Chiarello, L.A., Jeffries L.M., Bush, H. (2016) Physical Therapy-Related Child Outcomes in School: An Example of Practice-Based Evidence Methodology. Pediatric physical therapy: the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association. 2016; 28(1):47-56.


Lynch, K.R., Love, T.P., & Renzetti, C.M. (2016). Gun violence in the U.S.: Prevalence, consequences, and policy implications. In G.W. Muschert, B.V. Klocke, R. Perrucci, & J. Sheffner (Eds.), Agenda for social justice: Solutions for 2016 (pp. 93-102). Bristol, England: Policy Press.


 Ma, F., Wang, C., Yoder, W.E., Westlund, K.N., Carlson, C.R., Miller, C. S., & Danaher, R.J.  (2016).  Efficacy of herpes simplex virus vector encoding the human preproenkephalin gene for treatment of facial pain in mice.  Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache, 30, 42-50.


Renzetti, C. M. (2016). Critical realism and feminist criminology: Shall the twain ever meet? International Journal for Crime, Justice, and Social Democracy, 5, 41-52.

Schmelzer, A.C., Salt, E., Wiggins, A., Crofford Li, Bush, H., Mannino, D.M. (2016) Role of Stress and Smoking as Modifiable Risk Factors for Nonpersistent and Persistent Back Pain in Women. The Clinical journal of pain. 2016; 32(3):232-7


Swan, S.C., Lasky, N.V., Fisher, B.S., Woodbrown, V.D., Bonsu, J.E., Schramm, A.T., Warren, P.R., Coker A.L., & Williams, C.M. (May 2016) Just a dare or unaware?  Outcomes and motives of drugging (“drink spiking”) among students at three college campuses. Psychology of Violence.


Weber, T., Boggero, I., Carlson, C.R., Bertoli, E., Okeson, J.P., & de Leeuw, R. (2016).   Smoking and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology in orofacial pain.   Journal of Dental Research, 95, 1161-1168.


Wood, L.G., Busch-Armendariz, N.B., Kammer-Kerwick, M.F., Sulley, C., & Follingstad, D.R. (2016). Climate surveys: An inventory of understanding sexual assault and other crimes of interpersonal violence at institutions of higher education.  Violence Against Women,1-19. doi:10.1177/1077801216657897.


Follingstad, D.R., Rogers, M.J., Welling, S.N., & Priesmeyer, F.J.  (2015). Decisions to prosecute battered women's homicide cases:  An exploratory study. Journal of Family Violence, 30(7), 859-874.  doi: 10.1007/s10896-015-9725-7


Coker, A.L., Follingstad, D.R., Garcia, L.S., & Bush. H.M.  (2016).  Intimate partner violence and women’s cancer quality of life.  Cancer Causes & Control, 28(1), 23-39.  doi:  10.1007/s10552-016-0833-3