The Campus Advocate & Prevention Professionals Association (CAPPA) Highlighted an Article by One of the Center's Graduate Research Assistants


College Campus Sexual Assault and Female Students with Disabilities

The research concludes that female college students with disability status produce significantly increased odds for sexual assault than other previously cited risk factors such as binge drinking, drug use, or Greek affiliation. This study used NCHA data from 2016  to examine multiple factors including disability status and sexual assault, the interaction of previously identified risk factors in students with disabilities and sexual assault, and type of disability and sexual assault. Results were threefold: Female students with disabilities had much higher odds of being sexually assaulted; binge drinking, frequent alcohol use, marijuana use, illicit drug use, and Greek life affiliation did not compound the odds of sexual assault for female students with disabilities; and certain types of disabilities were more likely to increase odds for sexual assault victimization. This research highlights the importance of connecting campus disabilities services with victim services and violence prevention to more effectively serve student survivors with disabilities.

Full citation: Campe, M. I. (2019) College sexual assault and female students with disabilities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.