Additional Reading | ||
Baumgartner, R.M., 1991, Analysis of the spatial distribution of sinkholes
related to a ground water basin in the inner bluegrass karst region
of Kentucky: Lexington, University of Kentucky master's thesis, 123
p. Felton, G.K., and Currens, J.C., 1994, Peak flow rate and recession-curve
characteristics of a karst spring in the Inner Bluegrass, central Kentucky. Felton, G.K., Sendlein, L.V.A., Thrailkill, J., Dinger, J.S., Currens
J.C., and Taraba, J.L.,1991, The Inner Bluegrass karst hydrology laboratory. Hollyday, E.F., Brahana, J.V., Harvey, E.J., and Skelton J., 1981,
Comparative regional hydrogeology of three lower Paleozoic carbonate
aquifer systems of Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Hopper, W.M., 1985, Hydrogeology of southeastern Mercer County and
northeastern Boyle County, Kentucky. Hopper, W.M., Jr., and Thrailkill, J., 1983, The lack of influence
of lithology and structure on the development of a karst aquifer. Palmquist, W.N., Jr., and Hall, F.R., 1960, Availability of ground
water in Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln, and Mercer Counties, Kentucky: U.S.
Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-20, scale 1:125,000. Palmquist, W.N., Jr., and Hall, F.R., 1961, Reconnaissance of ground-water
resources in the Blue Grass Region, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper 1533, 39 p. Scanlon, B.R., 1989, Physical controls on hydrochemical variability
in the Inner Bluegrass karst region of central Kentucky. Taylor, C.J., 1992, Ground-water occurrence and movement associated
with sinkhole alignments in the Inner Bluegrass karst region of central
Kentucky. Thrailkill, J., 1985, The Inner Blue Grass karst region. Thrailkill, J., 1986, Models and methods for shallow conduit-flow carbonate
aquifers. Thrailkill, J., Byrd, P.E., Hopper, W.H., McCann, M.R., Spangler L.E.,
Troester, J.W., Gonzie, D.R., and Pogue, K.R., 1981,The Inner Bluegrass
karst regions, Kentucky; an overview. Thrailkill, J., Hopper, W.M., Jr., McCann, M.R., and Troester, J.W.,
1983, Problems associated with urbanization in the Inner Bluegrass karst
region. Thrailkill, J. (investigator), Spangler, L.E., Hopper, W.M., Jr., McCann, M.R., Troester, J.W., and Gouzie, D.R., 1982, Groundwater in the Inner Bluegrass karst region, Kentucky. Water-resource publications of the Kentucky Geological Survey may be viewed at the Water Research Library on the Kentucky Geological Survey's Web site. |