Topography | ||
Discussion from McGrain and Currens (1978) Clark
County is located in central Kentucky, straddling the border between
the Inner and Outer Bluegrass Regions. The topography ranges from rolling
to hilly. The most conspicuous features are the entrenched valleys of
the Kentucky and Red Rivers, which mark the southern boundary. The northeastern
portion of the county is drained by tributaries of Licking River, and
highest elevations in the county are found, on the drainage divide between
the Kentucky and Licking Rivers. Old Indian Field is a broad, flat area developed on relatively resistant
rock between Upper Howard and Lulbegrud Creeks in the eastern part of
the county. Elevations of the broad flats are generally between 780
and 800 feet. Marsha Bottom, a horseshoe-shaped flat area, is an abandoned
meander loop of Red River near its junction with the Kentucky River. Elevation of Winchester, at the courthouse, is 960 feet; Winchester Reservoir, 859 feet at the upper reservoir, and 846 feet at the lower reservoir; Becknerville, 938 feet; Ford, 622 feet; Indian Fields, 745 feet; and Kiddville, 829 feet. The 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps that cover the county are
shown, by name and by index code (Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection Cabinet) on the index
map. Previous--Next--Back to "Groundwater Resources in Kentucky"