Additional Reading

Hall, F.R., and Palmquist, W.N., Jr., 1960, Availability of ground water in Clark, Estill, Madison, and Powell Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-19, 3 sheets, scale 1:125,000.

Hess, J.W., 1975, Hydrochemical investigations of the central Kentucky karst aquifer system: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 35, no. 11, p. 5490B-5491B.

Palmquist, W.N., Jr., and Hall, F.R., 1961, Reconnaissance of ground-water resources in the Blue Grass Region, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1533, 39 p.

Smith, M.O., 1964, The problem of leaking farm ponds and their relation to stratigraphic zones and other factors in the inner Blue Grass Region of Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 10, Thesis 1, 64 p.

Water-resource publications of the Kentucky Geological Survey may be viewed at the Water Research Library on the Kentucky Geological Survey's Web site.

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