Appalachia 101 Course Journal Packet
How to use the Course Journal
- Each module will have its own respective activities. Within each activity, you may be asked to open your course journal and respond to questions.
- To help keep your course journal in a central place, we have created a course journal folder that you will download on your personal computer or on a jump disk (if you will be using multiple machines while accessing the module). Please open the respective Word files identified in the activity.
Note: When you see a folder titled Journal 1.1 it means course journal module 1, activity 1; - Journal 1.3 means module 1 activity 3; Journal 2.1 means module 2 activity 1; and so on.
- Be sure to rename and save these documents each time you complete one, as some activities require that you access them later for review.

Download your course journal packet here.
You are now ready to begin. You may want to review the information under Course Software & Hardware Requirements to ensure you have the appropriate plug-ins.
Proceed to the Introduction page and start with Introduction Activity: Finding Appalachia.