Module 2: Introduction to Appalachia —
Myths & Realities
Module 2, Activity 2: Appalachian Community & Social Life
In this activity you will view a presentation on Appalachian Community and Social Life given by Dr. Shaunna Scott of the Sociology Department at the University of Kentucky.
Professor Scott's interests center upon social inequality, work, the politics of identity, and social movements in Appalachia and Northern Ireland. Dr. Scott's work appears in Rural Sociology, Annual Review of Sociology, Journal of Appalachian Studies, Appalachian Journal, Action Research, American Ethnologist and Qualitative Sociology. Dr. Scott has also authored Two Sides to Everything: The Cultural Construction of Class Consciousness in Harlan Country, Kentucky. Dr. Scott is an affiliated faculty member with the University of Kentucky's Appalachian Studies, Social Theory Committee, and Women Studies. She is a past president of the Appalachian Studies Association, a past Director of Appalachian Studies at the University of Kentucky, and remains a faculty associate of that program.
Speaker profile is taken from the University of Kentucky website faculty profiles.

- Open the file CJ 2-2A Social Life and Community Prelimary & Follow Up Questions in your Course Journal.
- Complete the questionnaire
- View Dr. Scott's presentations.
- Presentation Overview
File type: QuickTime (38.8 MB)
Time: 10:44 minutes
- Economic Diversity
File type: QuickTime (5.1 MB)
Time: 1:26 minutes - Racial & Ethnic Diversity
File type: QuickTime (4.2 MB)
Time: 1:09 minutes - Anecdote: Shotguns & Front Porches
File type: QuickTime (11.7 MB)
Time: 3:22 minutes - Anecdote: Christmas & Common Sense
File type: QuickTime (11.2 MB)
Time: 3:17 minutes
- Economic Diversity
- Open the file CJ 2-2B Social Life and Community Prelimary & Follow Up Questions and answer the follow up questions.
Please proceed within this module to Activity 3: Appalachian Music.