Current Funding
NIH R01 CA95609-01. Transcriptional Control of Breast Cancer Through PPARγ 8.5.2004 - 8.4.2008. PI.
NIH, 5 T32 HD07436-09. Training Grant in Reproductive Sciences. Co-PI. 5.1.2000 - 4.30.2005
NIH, NCRR-P20-RR15592. Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Women's Health (COBRE), 9.01.2000-8.31.2005. Co-Investigator.
U.S. Army Breast Cancer Research Program Mentored Postdoctoral NR fatty acids in breast cancer: Selective modulation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. 4.1.2004-3.31.2006. CD Allred, PI, MW Kilgore, Mentor.
Previous Funding
NIH, K12 DA 14040-03. BIRCWH Fellowship (Bridging Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations in Women's Health). Transcriptional Control of Breast Cancer Through Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma. PI. 11.1.2001-2.28.2004.
Eli Lily, Women's health initiative grant: Development of knockout mammary cell lines as a model for examining the role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor on breast cancer growth, differentiation and apoptosis. 11.15.2001-11.14.2002. PI.
U.S. Army Breast Cancer Initiative Grant DAMD17-97-1-7248. Molecular Mechanisms of Dietary Fatty Acids on Breast Cancer Growth and Development. 1.1.1998-1.30.2002. Principal Investigator, 25% commitment.
American Health Assistance Foundation. Estrogen Biosynthesis and Action in Adipose Tissue. Co-PI, 10% Commitment. 4.1.95-3.31.96. Co-PI / 5%.
American Health Assistance Foundation. Estrogen Biosynthesis and Action in Adipose Tissue. 4.96-6-3.97. Co-PI / 5%.
NIH 1RO1 GM57123-01. Bifunctional Antitumor Agents. 9.1.1997-8.30.2000. Co-PI.