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Recommendations for Strategic Enrollment Management & Marketing

Setting Marketing Goals

Strategic enrollment management requires identifying and recruiting students from specific target markets.  The notion of selecting a market may seem troubling because of the implication that certain groups of individuals will be left out.  This is not necessarily the case, although choices of how, when, and where to spend resources must be made.  By purposefully identifying multiple markets for adult education, rather than trying to serve everyone in the same way, more individuals can be served more effectively.  Our research indicates that the potential market for adult education in the state is a diverse one and effective marketing will require a “marketing mix” of services and message. 

       Target markets are selected by analyzing and forecasting demand, identifying market segmentation, and positioning the “product” within the marketplace.  The following section will discuss how these marketing concepts might be applied to adult education.

Market Segmentation and “Product” Development
Market Position or Image

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Last modified: April 16, 2000