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Complicating Issues

In addition to the major organizing themes discussed earlier, other issues that affected their lives in complex ways further complicated the adult education decisions of study respondents.  This research demonstrates that it is important for policy makers and program providers to realize that adult education clients are holistic individuals with a variety of responsibilities and concerns.  Adult education decision-making is a complex process that accounts for both individual and societal influences.  The following issues were among those that complicated adult education decision-making for respondents.

Poverty and financial difficulties

Learning problems that affect educational aspirations and efforts

Health issues that impinge on both employment and education decisions

ESL issues that affect education and employment opportunities

Family concerns that require significant time and energy commitments

While not all respondents faced each of these issues, many were affected by multiple factors and thus found adult education program participation especially challenging. In order to meet the needs of adult education clients effectively, it is important that program providers acknowledge these complicating issues and actively assist clients in discovering ways to overcome them.

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Last modified: April 16, 2000