Course Description

Town and Gown Series, Spring 2003

Lead Instructor: Prof. Janet Carey Eldred




Min-Zhan Lu’s Shanghai Quartet, one of the books we’ll use for this course


Are You Up for the Task?. . .


*      If you are like most students, you will at some point feel overwhelmed by the demands of university life.  You might even feel as if some horrible mistake has been made, as if you “don’t have the stuff” to graduate.  You are not alone in such feelings, but you should feel comforted.  First, in your lowest moments, remember that U.K. has a selective admissions policy.  You are here because people believe you can graduate.

*      Second, remember that U.K. has a Writing Center, whose services can be used by any member of the university community (faculty, staff, graduate students, undergraduate students). Although the Center does not proofread your papers (you must learn to do this), consultants are available to help you with a variety of topics, including grammar, citations, and organization of ideas. In addition to individual consultations, the Writing Center runs mini-workshops on various topics. Since the Writing Center is quite busy, try to make appointments, but by all means use this valuable resource.  When you go to the Writing Center, make sure you bring your drafts, as well as any written information and notes you have about the assignment.  The consultant can be much more helpful when s/he has an understanding of your writing task.  The more guidance you can provide the consultant, the more successful your sessions at the Writing Center will be.  The idea here is not for you to find a ghost writer who will fix all your writing problems, but for you to see your work in through someone else’s eyes and receive constructive feedback.  Check the back cover of Writing at UK to learn more or visit the Center in William T. Young Library, B 108-C






Eldred-University of Kentucky English-University of Kentucky Writing Program-Town and Gown