Schooling Narratives:
A Web Essay Assignment

It’s time to get started writing.  This chapter is designed as a mini-workshop, a warm-up, if you will, for the bigger paper projects that will follow.  The writing prompt for this first minor assignment will ask you reflect on your academic experiences and to practice writing personal narratives. 

We’ll begin by reading two pieces by nationally-known writing teachers—Professors Min-Zhan Lu and Peter Elbow—followed by two essays by U.K. students—Lisa Beckham and Anca Golea.[1] The readings for this workshop show how schooling takes place in social and interpersonal contexts. These pieces record internal conflicts, and just as importantly, the insights that gradually emerged from these sometimes uplifting, sometimes disturbing lived moments. 




Eldred-University of Kentucky English-University of Kentucky Writing Program-Town and Gown








[1] We’ve published this essay with Lisa Beckham’s and Anca Golea’s permission and compensated both for the use of their work.