(8 of 40)

Mandibular Tooth Development

At low magnification, the relationship of a developing dental organ (A) in the lower (mandib-ular) arch with a corresponding one in the upper or maxillary arch (E) can be observed. Usually events in the mandibular arch occur slightly in advance of those in the maxillary arch. Note the condensation of mesenchymal cells (B) around the cap stage of the dental organ. These cells are derived from ectomesenchyme which is of neural crest origin. Also note the locations of the vestibular laminae (C and F), and the bone of the alveolar process (D). Ossification of the mandible begins in the 7th week in utero, at the same time that the dental lamina appears.




A - mandibular dental organ
B - mesenchymal cells
C - mandibular vestibular lamina

D - alveolar process
E - maxillary dental organ
F - maxillary vestibular lamina

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