Statistics of the List
A look at statistics for the list can be illuminating and will help partially
explain the popularity of the index. In early 1996, one of the list members
(Larry Woodard) was curious about the growth of the list and wanted
to run a statistical analysis. Though some logs dated back to 1990, complete
data began with the 1991 postings and extend through current postings. The
following table (figure 1) shows the 63-fold increase in the number of postings
from 1991 to 1995, while the number of users increased from 126 to 1600 during
this same period. Also note that the number of postings per day increased
from an average of 1.3 in 1991 to 82.4 in 1995.
Figure 1.
FF@ List Growth, 1991 - 1995
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
known users during the year |
126 |
258 |
553 |
1175 |
1600 |
total posting for the year |
478 |
1712 |
5246 |
13620 |
30088 |
average # of postings/month |
39.8 |
142.7 |
437.2 |
1135 |
2507.3 |
average monthly posts/user |
3.8 |
6.6 |
9.5 |
11.6 |
18.8 |
average # of postings/day |
1.3 |
4.7 |
14.4 |
37.3 |
82.4 |
total topics for year |
192 |
626 |
1885 |
5658 |
11261 |
average # topics/month |
16 |
52 |
157.1 |
471.5 |
938.4 |
average # postings/topic |
2.5 |
2.7 |
2.8 |
2.4 |
2.7 |
user postings > once/month |
11 |
34 |
187 |
254 |
435 |
Note, however, that the discussion per topic (Average # postings/topic) stayed
virtually constant through this five-year period. The traffic growth of the
list was not due to a larger number of messages on a given topic but was
derived from a broader participation in the list. This is probably attributable
to two factors. First, the explosion of Internet growth and
the dramatically increased the number of people with email access. Secondly,
the popularity of the sport of flyfishing itself has increased phenomenally. |