What is the study about?

Colored Fractional Anisotropy Maps, and the yellow fiber is the 'Left Corticospinal Tract'

Scientists at the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging are conducting a research study to learn more about how Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease may affect an individual's memory and thinking abilities as they grow older.


Who will be included in this study?

Persons with Down syndrome age 25 and older and their family member or caregiver.


What is involved?

This is a five year study of adults with Down syndrome over age 25. Participants and family members, or caregivers will be asked to answer questions about a participant's health including current medications and how well the participant carries out everyday activities, such as getting dressed and making meals. In this study, the participant will be given different tests of their thinking skills. These will measure abilities to understand directions, remember, solve problems, and how a person uses their hands to draw a picture.

The 16 month visit will include blood samples, memory and thinking tests, a neurological and physical examination, PET scan and a brain scan (MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, for at least the next 5 years or as long as one would like to take part in the study.

The research blood sample will be used to learn more about apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a gene that is associated with an increase risk of Alzheimer's disease. The PET and MRI scan of the brain will be used to look at any changes that may come about as one gets older.


What are the benefits?

MRI machine

There is no guarantee that the participant will receive any personal benefits from taking part in this study.  However, because Down syndrome may lead to a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease, and there is currently no truly effective therapy available, participation in the study could benefit a participant through improved medical care. If we find a disease or illness, the study doctor will tell the participant, family member or caregiver and family doctor.

This study is being carried out as basic research to improve our understanding of how Down syndrome and Alzheimer's are related.


What happens in our study?

The table below helps explain what will happen on each visit during the study.

  Yearly Visit
Activity 1 2 3 4 5
Medical & Neurological Exams X X X X X
Thinking Tests X X X X X
MRI and PET Scan X X X X X
Medical Blood Draw X X X X X
Research Blood Draw X X X X X


Who should I contact for more information?

Roberta Davis, Research Administrative Coordinator, University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, (859) 218-3865 or email rdavi3@uky.edu.