Endorsements and Giving
Kentucky African American Heritage Commission
Kentucky Community College Faculty & Staff Alliance
Kentucky Conference of the NAACP
Kentucky Education Association
The Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky State University
Thomas D. Clark Foundation
The Tubby Smith Foundation
The University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky Libraries
The University Press of Kentucky
Western Kentucky University
Berea College
Centre College
Eastern Kentucky University
Georgetown College
Morehead State University
Murray State University
Transylvania University
University of Louisville
Northern Kentucky University
Simmons College of Kentucky
Governor's Office for Local Development
“The University of Kentucky is proud to take part in the upcoming publication of the 'The Kentucky African American Encyclopedia.' The encyclopedia will capture the rich history and culture of Kentucky's African American population and the powerful impact they have made on the Commonwealth. We could not be more thrilled that Dr. Gerald Smith is working on this wonderful publication. Dr. Smith is undoubtedly a leading historian in the field.”
- Lee T. Todd, Jr.
University of Kentucky President

If you are interested in making a financial donation to support the Encyclopedia, please email us at uk-kaae@lsv.uky.edu and someone will contact you. Your gift is tax-deductible. The Thomas D. Clark Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) entity.
Please send us your thoughts and suggestions, or submit a factoid for inclusion in our database. E-mail the editors at: uk-kaae@lsv.uky.edu.
Editorial Advisors
- Alicestyne Adams
- Georgetown College
- Andrew Baskin
- Berea College
- Jackie Burnside
- Berea College
- Anne S. Butler
- Kentucky State University
- David Cooper
- Jefferson Community and Technical College
- A.G. Dunston
- Eastern Kentucky University
- Catherine Fosl
- University of Louisville
- J. Blaine Hudson
- University of Louisville
- Eric Jackson
- Northern Kentucky University
- Mike R. Jones
- Kentucky Historical Society
- James C. Klotter
- Georgetown College
- Tracy E. K'Meyer
- University of Louisville
- Dwayne Mack
- Berea College
- Annazette McCane
- Murray State University
- Patricia Pearson
- Kentucky State University
- Clarenda Phillips
- Morehead State University
- Stephanie Shaw
- The Ohio State University
- Cynthia Lynn Shelton
- Kentucky State University
- Paul Tenkotte
- Thomas More College
- William H. Turner
- University of Kentucky
- James Wallace
- Kentucky Historical Society
- Doris Wilkinson
- University of Kentucky
- George C. Wright
- Prairie View A&M University