Topography | ||
Discussion from McGrain and Currens (1978) Morgan
County is in a well-dissected upland area in the Eastern Kentucky
Coal Field. Ridgetop elevations of 1,100 to 1,300 feet are common over
most of the county. The highest elevations and the greatest local reliefs
are found in the eastern and southeastern sections. The highest recorded
elevation, 1,400 feet, is indicated on a ridge about 1.75 miles southwest
of Cannel City and also on the Morgan-Wolfe County line near the southern
tip of the county. Streams have carved valleys 200 to 300 feet or more below the upland
over most of the county. In the northwestern part of the county, many
of the valleys are cliff lined, but elsewhere the slopes generally are
not as steep. The lowest elevation, before the impoundment of Cave Run
Lake, was 690 feet, the point where Licking River leaves the county.
Cave Run Lake, a flood-control facility, impounds waters of Licking
River. Normal pool level is 730 feet, and the maximum flood pool (spillway
elevation) is 765 feet. Principal areas of flat land are in the valleys
of the larger streams and, to a lesser extent, on the narrow ridges
in the northwestern area. The elevation of West Liberty, the county seat, is 830 feet. Other elevations are Adele, 1,010 feet; Caney, 870 feet; Carmel City, 887 feet; Crockett, 871 feet; Ezel, 948 feet; Grassy Creek, 789 feet; Redwine, 890 feet; White Oak, 800 feet; and Wrigley, 820 feet. The 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps that cover Morgan County
are shown, by name and by index code (Kentucky Natural Resources and
Environmental Protection Cabinet) on the index
map. Previous--Next--Back to "Groundwater Resources in Kentucky"