
Wells in alluvium in the valleys of Slate, Salt Lick, and Beaver Creeks yield only a minimum supply, slightly more than 100 gallons per day. The northwestern half of Menifee County lies in the Knobs physiographic region, in which rocks generally yield only small amounts of water. Wells on hills generally will yield less water than wells in valley bottoms. In the central and southeastern parts of the county, adequate amounts of soft water can usually be found in wells on broad ridges. Wells in the broad valleys supply enough water for domestic use, chiefly through fractures. Salty water may be found in a few wells drilled to depths of 100 feet below the level of the principal valley bottoms. Most groundwater is moderately hard and contains noticeable amounts of iron. Springs are commonly found at the base of sandstone and limestone formations in valley bottoms. Some springs supply enough water for domestic use, but generally have large seasonal variation in flow.

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