Additional Reading | ||
Hall, F.R., and Palmquist, W.N., Jr., 1960, Availability of ground
water in Anderson, Franklin, Shelby, Spencer, and Woodford Counties,
Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-24,
3 sheets, scale 1:250,000. Hess, J.W., 1975, Hydrochemical investigations of the central Kentucky
karst aquifer system: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 35, no.
11, p. 5490B-5491B. Mull, D.F., 1993, Use of dye tracing to determine the direction of
ground-water flow in karst terrane at the Kentucky State University
Research Farm near Frankfort, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources
Investigation 93-4063, 21 p. Palmquist, W.N., Jr., and Hall, F.R. 1961, Reconnaissance of ground-water
resources in the Blue Grass Region, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper 1533, 39 p. Ryder, P.D., 1975, Ground water in the alluvium along the Kentucky
River between Carrollton and Frankfort, Ky.: U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 75-0509, 14 p. Sholar, C.J., 1986, Calibration and verification of a streamflow simulation
model for the Kentucky River near Lexington and Frankfort, Kentucky:
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation 85-4052, 31 p. Smith, M.O., 1964, The problem of leaking farm ponds and their relation
to stratigraphic zones and other factors in the Inner Blue Grass Region
of Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 10, Thesis 1, 64 p. Water-resource publications of the Kentucky Geological Survey may be viewed at the Water Research Library on the Kentucky Geological Survey's Web site. |