Additional Reading | ||
Hall, F.R., and Palmquist, W.N., Jr., 1960, Availability of ground
water in Carroll, Gallatin, Henry, Owen, and Trimble Counties, Kentucky:
U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-23, scale
1:125,000. Palmquist, W.N., Jr., and Hall, F.R., 1961, Reconnaissance of ground-water
resources in the Blue Grass Region, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper 1533, 39 p. Price, W.E., Jr., 1964, Geology and hydrology of alluvial deposits
along the Ohio River between Ethridge and the Twelve-mile Island, Kentucky:
U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-97, scale
1:24,000, 2 sheets. Ryder, P.D., 1975, Ground water in the alluvium along the Kentucky
River between Carrollton and Frankfort, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 75-0509, 1 plate. Whitesides, D.V., and Ryder, P.D., 1969, Effects of pumping from the
Ohio River Valley alluvium between Carrollton and Ghent, Kentucky: Kentucky
Geological Survey, ser. 10, Information Circular 18, 20 p. Water-resource publications of the Kentucky Geological Survey may be viewed at the Water Research Library on the Kentucky Geological Survey's Web site. |