Groundwater Availability

Alluvium and Glacial Outwash Sediments (Qa)
These sediments form floodplains, valley bottoms, and terraces of the Mississippi River and tributaries. Valley-train deposits lie beneath terraces along the Mississippi River.

Yields from shallow driven wells in the Mississippi Valley are reported adequate for domeestic use; however, near the river water levels fluctuate greatly, and some shallow wells are dry or inadequate in the summer and fall. Drilled wells in the Mississippian alluvium may supply large amounts of water from the deeper gravelly unit for irrigation and for public and industrial uses, except in areas where the saturated thickness is less than 10 feet. Saturated thickness generally ranges from about 30 to 150 feet, and a well may yield 3,000 gallons per minute or more in favorable areas. Yields of 1,000 gallons per minute may be expected in most places. The water is hard and contains objectionable amounts of iron and manganese. Enough water for a modern domestic supply (more than 500 gallons per day) is yielded to nearly all wells. Practically no water is yielded to wells in small valleys where the alluvium is thin and fine grained. Water ranges in hardness from 12 to 664 parts per million and in dissolved solids from 53 to 1,220 parts per million. Iron may be present in objectionable amounts.

Continental Deposits (QTcl)
Continental deposits occur on uplands and eroded edges of uplands above 370 feet.

These deposits yield small quantities of water suitable for household use. One spring had a measured discharge of 47 gallons per minute. Most wells yield less than 10 gallons per minute. Water-bearing gravel usually overlies clay or indurated layers. Water ranges in hardness from 8 to 724 parts per million and in dissolved solidds from 43 to 782 parts per million. Iron content is generally low.

Jackson, Claiborne (Tjc), and Wilcox Formations (Tw)
These formations provide uplands and a high-level erosional surface over most of the area. They extend beneath river terraces along the Mississippi Valley.

Sand yields enough water for domestic use near the outcrop area of the Porters Creek Clay and in areas of perched water. Drilled wells penetrating the main zone of saturation where beds are thick yield as much as 1,700 gallons per minute. Hardness of water ranges from 7 to 212 parts per million, and dissolved solidds from 28 to 431 parts per million Iron may be present in objectionable amounts.

The U.S. Geological Survey's Hydrologic Atlas Series, published cooperatively with the Kentucky Geological Survey, provides hydrologic information for the entire state.

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