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Dave Harris
General Chairman
859-257-5500 ext 175

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Kentucky Geological Survey
Kentucky Society for Professional Geologists
UK Department
for Earth &
Student Job Quest

Why should I attend?
This is a great opportunity to interview with several companies in one place within the Eastern Section.

How do I attend?
By September 5, 2007:
  1. Register for the Eastern Section AAPG meeting (see
  2. Be sure to mark on the application your desired attendance at the student job quest.
  3. Submit your resume in an electronic file format (.doc or .pdf). There is a maximum of 2 pages.
  4. Submit a one-page abstract if entering the poster contest (see abstract guidelines). You are not required to present a poster; however this is an excellent opportunity to showcase yourself and your work for prospective employers!
  • Resumes and abstracts will be forwarded to participating companies before the Student Job Quest so tentative interview schedules can be set up.
  • Best poster prizes of $500, $250, and $100 will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places respectively.
  • An abstract book will be provided to each participant free of charge.
How much does it cost?
The cost is $40.00, which covers BOTH the Eastern Section AAPG meeting and the Student Job Quest

Where do I send my Resume and Abstract?
Katharine Lee Avary
WV Geological Survey
1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508

I'd like to sponsor the Student Job Quest
If you would like to sponsor the Student Job Quest, see the Sponsor Registration Form

Questions: or call (304) 594-2331
Exhibits Chair
Dan Wells
Technical Program Chair
Jim Drahovzal
859-257-5500 ext 155
Sponsorship Chair
Mike Sanders

© 2006 Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
Brandon Nuttall, Webmaster
Created 18-Sep-2006