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Field Trip 5. History, Economic Geology, and Geology of the Shakertown Area on the Kentucky River: Field Trip and Boat Cruise

Tuesday, Sept 18, Depart 3:00pm, Return 8:00pm, $85
Transportation, guidebook, and buffet dinner included.
Frank R. Ettensohn, University of Kentucky, Warren Anderson, Kentucky Geological Survey, and Don Pelley field trip leaders
NB: This trip requires a minimum of 20 participants and is limited to 50.

The trip centers on the history, economic geology and geology of Shakertown, a former community settled by the Shakers, or Shaking Quakers, in 1806. The Shakers, or Society of Believers, were a religious cult devoted to utopian Christian socialism that came to America in the late 1700's. Through missionary endeavors, mainly on the frontier in the east-central U.S., several colonies, like this one at Pleasant Hill in central Kentucky, were founded where communal ownership of land, pacifism, shared labor, and common worship could be practiced. They were especially well-known for their craft, building and farming industries, much of which was supported by the unique geological setting of the community, which will be examined on the trip. As the Shaker community began to decline after the Civil War, the mining of calcite, barite and fluorspar was developed on properties near Shakertown. The minerals occur in veins or fracture-fill deposits associated with the Lexington and Kentucky River fault systems in the Central Kentucky Mineral District, and much of the trip will be devoted to examining the old mines and understanding the origin of the deposits and the geologic and economic conditions that permitted a short period of intense mining. The trip will end with a geologic, riverboat cruise from Shaker Landing on the Kentucky River, where the origins of the Kentucky River Palisades, a unique central-Kentucky landform, will be examined. A buffet dinner will be served on the cruise, and transportation will be provided from the Hyatt to and from Shakertown.

All field trips leave from and return to the Hyatt Regency Hotel (Conference Center), downtown Lexington. All trips require pre-registration. If you have questions about field trips, please contact the meeting field trip coordinator, Stephen Greb at or the field trip leaders.

Shaker Village

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Exhibits Chair
Dan Wells
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Jim Drahovzal
859-257-5500 ext 155
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Mike Sanders

© 2006 Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
Brandon Nuttall, Webmaster
Created 18-Sep-2006