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859-257-5500 ext 175

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Kentucky Geological Survey
Kentucky Society for Professional Geologists
UK Department
for Earth &
Monday Poster Sessions-8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Thoroughbred 6-7
Poster 01: Oil and Gas
1. Reprocessing the United States Magnetic Anomaly Map using the Comprehensive Model
Adam Shaw, Joseph Batir, Matthew McIndoo, Dhananjay Ravat, Peter Milligan, Thomas G. Hildenbrand, Robert Kucks, Patricia Hill
2. Aeromagnetic Gradient Anomalies Help Locate New Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Harold Robert Beaver
3. Stratigraphic Framework, Structure, and Thermal Maturity of Cambrian and Ordovician Rocks in the Rome Trough and Adjoining Cumberland Plateau, Eastern Kentucky, East-Central Tennessee, and Western West Virginia
Robert T. Ryder, Robert D. Crangle, Jr., John E. Repetski, and Michael H. Trippi
4. Thermal Maturity Maps Based on Conodont CAI for the Central Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan Basins
Repetski, J.E., Ryder, R.T., Rowan, E.L., East, J.A, Norby, R.D., Rexroad, C.B., Shaw, T.H., Bergström, S.M., Trippi, M.H., and Weary, D.J.
5. Methodology for Combining Old Log Suites with Modern Modeling Technology, Louden Oil Field, Illinois Basin
James R. Damico, Rex Knepp, and John P. Grube
6. Pennsylvania State Forests: Our Role in Basin Exploration and Development
Teddy W. Borawski, Nathan S. Bennett, and Amy E. Randolph
7. Residence Time of Light Alkanes in Soils
Daniel H. Vice and Philip M. Halleck
8. New Techniques for New Discoveries – Results from the Lisbon Field Area, Paradox Basin, Utah
David M. Seneshen, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., Craig D. Morgan, and Michael D. Vanden Berg
9. Geophysical Signature within the Northern Nile Delta, Egypt
Ahmad Muhammad Sobhy Helaly
Poster 01: Carboniferous Geology, Coal, and Tar Sands (Energy Mineral Division Session)
10. Revisiting Some Carboniferous Stratigraphic Correlations in Ohio
Ernie R. Slucher
11. Characterization of Environmentally Sensitive Trace Elements in Coals and Fly Ashes From Bulgarian Power Plants
Irena J. Kostova and James C. Hower
12. Analyzing the Deep Coal Resources of Eastern Kentucky for Their Carbon Sequestration Potential
Michael P. Solis and Stephen F. Greb
13. Geology of the Kyrock and Nolin River Gorge Region, Edmonson County, Kentucky
Kenneth W. Kuehn and Michael T. May
Exhibits Chair
Dan Wells
Technical Program Chair
Jim Drahovzal
859-257-5500 ext 155
Sponsorship Chair
Mike Sanders

© 2006 Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
Brandon Nuttall, Webmaster
Created 18-Sep-2006