IPM Taskforce

Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco

Centre de Coopération pour les Recherches Scientifiques Relatives au Tabac

Taskforce Overview


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"IPM Outline" spreadsheet version 8 (last updated October 22st, 2015)

IPM Outline (.xls)

To protect the details of members this spreadsheet is password protected. The password is the name of the city where we had our 2008 Congress, in all lower case letters. If you need help with the password, please contact Anne Jack amjack2@uky.edu

The Taskforce is divided into five main groups (diseases, nematodes, insects, weeds and IPM strategies), each with a group leader.  Each of those five groups is further subdivided into sections, each with a section leader.  These section leaders allocate the tasks, and report back to the group leader.

The attached Excel spreadsheet gives a list of taskforce members with contact addresses, the overall outline of the taskforce structure and a sheet for each group.  This file will be constantly updated.  Each update will have a different suffix in the file name (e.g. IPM_Outline_5.xls) and the version number and date of last update will be displayed both in the file (as a header) and at the top of this page.




COORDINATOR:  Anne Jack, University of Kentucky, USA

Scientific Commission Liaison:  Anne Jack, University of Kentucky, USA


DISEASES:  Emily Pfeufer, University of Kentucky, USA

Fungal Diseases:  Emily Pfeufer, University of Kentucky, USA

Bacterial Diseases:  Colin Fisher, University of Kentucky, USA

Virus Diseases:  Brenda Kennedy, University of Kentucky, USA

Management of Seedling Diseases: Emily Pfeufer, University of Kentucky, USA

Post-Harvest Diseases: Colin Fisher, University of Kentucky, USA


NEMATODES:  Chuck Johnson, Virginia Tech, USA

Major Nematode Pests:  Jonathan Eisenback, Virginia Tech, USA

Minor Nematode Pests: Jonathan Eisenback, Virginia Tech, USA


INSECTS:  Paul Semtner, Virginia Tech, USA

Stem/Root Pests:  Francis Reay-Jones,  Clemson University USA,

Chewing Insect Pests: Davis Martin, Profigen, USA

Sucking Insect Pests: Bob McPherson, University of Georgia, USA

Greenhouse Insect Pests: Paul Semnter, Virginia Tech, USA

Foliar Pests:  Francis Reay-Jones,  Clemson University USA,

Pests of Stored Tobacco:  Vernon Schmidt, RJ Reynolds, USA


WEEDS:  Andy Bailey, University of Kentucky, USA
Field Weeds: Andy Bailey, University of Kentucky, USA

Parasitic Weeds:  Anne Jack, University of Kentucky, USA


IPM STRATEGIES: Cecilia Dorfey, JT International, Germany   

Systemic Acquired Resistance:  Andrea da Rocha, Universal Leaf, Brazil

Biological Control:  Andreas Kohler, University of Santa Cruz, Brazil

Pests, Pesticides and Epidemics:  Colin Fisher, University of Kentucky, USA

Crop Rotation, Companion Plants, Trap, Barrier and Cover Crops: Henri Papenfus, Alliance One International, UK

Cigar Tobaccos: Michael Hartley, Lancaster Leaf, USA 


EDITING: Colin Fisher, University of Kentucky, USA
Anne Jack, University of Kentucky, USA

WEBSITE: Jonathan Gilpin, Brian Lauer University of Kentucky, USA
Colin Fisher, Anne Jack,, University of Kentucky, USA

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Last Updated:  October 22, 2015