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Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Data Archive
The ICPSR, located at the University of Michigan, is the main location for political science data. In addition to major, regularly-updated datasets like the National Election Study, the U.S. Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Databases, and the Eurobarometer, it houses many other datasets pertaining to American and transnational politics. Search or browse the archive by subject, title, principal investigator (PI), or ICPSR number. As students and faculty members at an ICPSR member institution we are entitled to use any data they've archived. The SSTARS Center serves as our official ICPSR representative. You can browse (by ICPSR number) the datasets we have available here on campus. If one that you want is not available either on disk on the Convex system or on CD-ROM, you should send e-mail to Su Wen or phone 257-9260 requesting its download.
UC-San Diego Guide to
Social Science Data on the Net
Search or browse their "collection of 768 Internet sites of numeric Social Science statistical data, data catalogs, data libraries, social science gateways, addresses and more." Updated frequently and quite easy to use.
American National Election Study
"The American National Election Studies (ANES) are national surveys
carried out by the Survey Research Center (SRC) and by the Center for
Political Studies (CPS) of the Institute for Social Research at the
University of Michigan. This time-series collection has been fielded
continuously since 1948, presenting data on Americans' social
backgrounds, enduring political predispositions, social and political
values, perceptions and evaluations of groups and candidates, opinions
on questions of public policy, and participation in political life."
General Social Survey
"The GSS is a near-annual "omnibus," personal interview survey of U.S. households
conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC)... Key features of the GSS are its broad coverage, its use of replication, its cross-national perspective, and its attention to data
U.S. Census Bureau
Your tax dollars at work. Lots and lots o' data at your fingertips. Thank the Founding Fathers.
Essex University Data Archive
"The Data Archive at the University of Essex houses the largest collection of
accessible computer-readable data in the social sciences and humanities in the
United Kingdom. It is a national resource centre, disseminating data throughout
the United Kingdom and, by arrangement with other national archives,
Richard Tucker's Data Index
A professor at Indiana University has compiled many links to sites with many different types of data. He did the leg work so you won't have to.