![]() Zhanjiang cargo port |
Course Syllabus (Word doc) CB 305 Tues-Thur 11:00-12:15pm Professor T. R. Leinbach |
The course will consist of a mixture of lectures, discussions, and readings. These are intended to convey concepts, which are critical to an understanding of transport in the broadest sense, but in addition to, attach human (user) and spatial perspectives to transport matters. The objectives are to examine the major problems, issues and trends facing the transport sector in both the developed and developing worlds and to discuss appropriate possible responses. The syllabus is built largely around two main topics. These are: 1) the nature of transport and 2) current problems, issues and trends in transport at a variety of geographical scales and across several modes. The latter topic will account for the largest segment of the course. Readings which supplement the recommended 'text' will be put on reserve at W T Young Library. It is essential that these readings be perused. Students are encouraged to use email to raise questions (e.g. regarding assignments and readings) and to advise me of necessary absences.
Brian Hoyle and Richard Knowles (eds). Modern Transport Geography , 2 nd ed, 1998. HE147.5 .M63 1998 (on reserve)
EVALUATION: Final grades will be based upon a ‘take home’ mid-semester examination (35%) and ‘take home’ final examination (35%)as well as a conceptual/research paper (30%) dealing with some aspect of transport issues and/or problem in a particular mode or specialty. A separate handout will be provided, which will detail specific guidelines and offer suggestions on potential topics. Graduate students will be expected to present the results of their research papers. Attendance is critical as the questions on the examinations will be based not only upon material from the readings, but from the lectures, discussions and guest presentations as well.
“Transportation Geography” in G. Gaile and C. Willmott (eds.). Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004., 221-236.
Hoyle and Knowles, Chapter 1
Peter Dicken and Peter Lloyd. Location in Space, 1990, “Structure of Transport Costs”, pp.121-142.
Susan Hanson, “Reconceptualizing Accessibility”, in Janelle and Hodge (eds.), 267-278.
(see also other pieces in this volume for flavor of new trends)D. Janelle, "Impact of Information Technologies," in Hanson and Giuliano, 2004, pp. 86-114. (see also Janelle’s “Spatial Reorganization: A Model and Concept”)
Ilan Salomon, “Telecommunications and Travel: Substitution or Modified Mobility? Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol 19, No 3 (September 1985), 219-235.
Andrew Gillespie, “Substituting Electronic Communications for Physical Travel? The Case of Teleworking” ITS Journal, Vol 6, (2000) , 13-24.
Hoyle and Knowles, Chapter 4, 5, 11, 12, 15
William Black, "An unpopular essay on transportation" Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 9, No. 1 (March, 2001), 1-11. (Online Science Direct)
Ann Brewer, Ken Button, and D A Hensher (eds). Handbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Pergamon, 2001. HE199 .A2 H36 2001
Martin Hesse and Jean Paul Rodrigue. "The transport geography of logistics and freight distribution." Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 12, No. 3 (September, 2004), 117-185. (Online Science Direct)
Donald Janelle and Michel Beuthe, “Globalization and Research Issues in Transportation”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 5, No 3 (September 1997), 199-206 (Online Science Direct)
David Greene. "Transportation and Energy". Transportation Quarterly Vol.48, No.1 (Winter, 1994), pp. 91-101.
Brian Slack." Intermodal Transportation in North America and the Development of Inland Load Centers". Professional Geographer, Vol.42, No.1 (February, 1990), pp.72-83.
Hoyle and Knowles, Chapters 6, 7
Susan Hanson, “The Context of Urban Travel," Chapter 1 in Hanson and Giuliano (eds), The Geography of Urban Transportation, 2004, pp. 3-29.
John Pucher, "Public Transportation," pp. 199-236 in Hanson and Giuliano, 2004.
Elizabeth Burns, "Travel, Gender and Work: Emerging Commuting Choices in Inner-City Phoenix" in Wheeler, et.al. Cities in the Telecommunications Age. Routledge, 2000, 267-282.
Mark Goh, “Congestion management and electronic road pricing in Singapore, Journal of Transport Geography. Vol.10, No.1 (March, 2002), 29-38 (Online Science Direct)
George Banjo and Harry Dimitriou, "Urban Transport Problems of Third
Cities: The Third Generation"(photocopy)
Cities on the Move: A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review. Washington, D.C. 2002. HE305 .W67 2002
Thomas R Leinbach, “City Interactions: The Dynamics of Passenger and Freight Flows”, in Susan Hanson and Genevieve Giuliano (eds.). The Geography of Urban Transportation, 3rd edition, Guilford, 2004, pp. 30-58.
Hoyle and Knowles, Chapter 14
James P Hanlon. Global Airlines : competition in a transnational industry. Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
John Bowen, “The geography of freighter aircraft operations in the Pacific Basin”,I Vol.11, No.3 (August, 2003) (Online Science Direct)
Thomas R Leinbach and John Bowen. “Airspaces: Air Travel, Technology and Society” in S D Brunn, S Cutter and J W Harrington (eds.). TechnoEarth: A Social History of Geography, AAG Centennial 2004 , Amsterdam: Kluwer, 2004, 285-313.
John Bowen and Thomas R Leinbach. “Market Concentration in the Logistics Industry and the Global Provision of Advanced Air Freight Services” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol 95, No. 2 (2004), 174-188.
Thomas R Leinbach and John Bowen. “Air Cargo Services and the Electronics Industry in Southeast Asia”, Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 4, No. 2 (April, 2004), 1-24.
John Bowen and Thomas R Leinbach. "The State and Liberalization: The Airline Industry in the East Asian NICs", Annals, Association of American Geographers, Vol.85, No.3 (September, 1995), 468-493.
Keith Debbage, "The International Airline Industry: Globalization, Regulation, and Strategic Alliances", Journal of Transport Geography. Vol.2, No.3 (September, 1994), pp.190-203.(Online Science Direct)
Rigas Doganis, Flying Off Course: The Economics of International Airlines. Allen and Unwin, 2e, 1990.
Rigas Doganis, The Airline Business in the 21st Century. Routledge, 2001.
Andrew Goetz, “Deregulation, competition, and antitrust implications in the US airline industry, Journal of Transport Geography. Vol.10, No.1 (March, 2002), pp.1-19.(Online Science Direct)
Hoyle and Knowles, Chapters 2, 3 , 9, 10 (optional)
Jonathan Gifford. Planning the Interstate Highway System. Boulder: Westview Press, 1994.
Thomas R Leinbach, “Mobility in development context: changing perspectives, new interpretations, and the real issues, Journal of Transport Geography. Vol.8 No.1 (January, 2000), pp.1-9 (Online Science Direct)
Thomas R Leinbach. "Transportation and Third World Development: Review, Issues, and Prescription". Transportation Research. Vol.29A, No.5 (1995), 337-344.
John Howe and Peter Richards (eds). Rural Roads and Poverty Alleviation. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1984.
James Vance, Capturing the Horizon: The Historical Geography of Transportation, 1986, Chapter 4, "The American Railroad: Instrument of National Development", pp. 265-350 (browse).
William Black and Peter Nijkamp (eds). Social Change and Sustainable Transport. Indiana University Press, 2002
Ann Brewer, Ken Button, and D A Hensher (eds). Handbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Pergamon, 2001. HE199 .A2 H36 2001
Robert Cervero. The Transit Metropolis: a global inquiry. Washington, D C: Island Press, 1998. HE305 .C474 1998
Peter Dicken and Peter Lloyd. Location in Space, 3rd ed. Harper
and Row, 1990
HF 1025 .D53 1990
H. Dimitriou (ed). Transport Planning for Third World Cities. London: Routledge,1990
Rigas Doganis, Flying Off Course: The Economics of International Airlines. Allen and Unwin, 2e, 1990. HE9780 .D64 1991
Rigas Doganis, The Airline Business in the 21st Century. Routledge, 2001.
Goetz, Andrew, et al. “Transportation Geography” in G. Gaile and C. Willmott (eds.). Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, 221-236.
James P Hanlon. Global Airlines: competition in a transnational industry. Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Susan Hanson and Genevieve Giuliano (eds). The Geography of Urban Transportation. 3rd., Guilford , 2004. HE 305 .G46 2004.
Mark Hepworth and Ken Ducatel. Transport in the Information Age. London: Belhaven Press, 1992 HE243 .H46
John Howe and Peter Richards(eds.). Rural Roads and Poverty Alleviation. London: Intermediate Technology, 1984.
Donald Janelle and David Hodge (eds.). Information, Place and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility. Springer, 2000. T14.5 .I54 2000
Thomas R Leinbach. "Transportation and Third World Development: Review, Issues, and Prescription". Transportation Research. Vol.29A, No.5 (1995), 337-344.
James O Wheeler, Yuko Aoyama, Barney Warf (eds.) Cities in the Telecommunications Age. Routledge, 2000.
World Bank. Cities on the Move: A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review. Washington, D.C. 2002. HE305 .W67 2002
World Bank. Sustainable Transport: Priorities for Policy Reform. Washington, D.C. 1996 HE148.5 .S87 1996
2001 National Travel Household Survey
U.S. Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transport Statistics , USDOT
Texas Transportation Institute
Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences
World Bank
World Transport Policy and Practice
United Nation Development Program
U.S. Agency for International Development
Counting the
New Mobile Workforce
Transportation Implications
of Telecommuting
Transport Geography Specialty
Group, Association of American Geographers, TGS Globe (see especially
the LINKS button connecting to other sites)
Logistics World
Shin, Bongsik, Omar El Sawy, Olivia R Lui Sheng, Kunihiko Higa (2000) “Telework: Existing Research and Future Directions” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce , Vol 10, No 2: 85-101.
Andrew Gillespie and Ronald Richardson. "Teleworking and the City: Myths of Workplace Transcendence and Travel Reduction" in Wheeler, et al. Cities in the Telecommunications Age . Routledge, 2000, 228-248.