Major Reference Works on Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia

Barlow, Colin (ed). Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia: The Context of Development from the 1960s to the 1990s. Edward Elgar, 1999

Brown, David. The State and Ethnic Politics in Southeast Asia. London and New York: Routledge, 1994

Buchanan, Keith. The Southeast Asian World . Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1968.

Burling, Robbins. Hill Farms and Padi Fields: Life in Mainland Southeast Asia. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965

Chia Lin Sien (ed.). Southeast Asia Transformed: A Geography of Change. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003.

Dixon, Chris. South East Asia in the World-Economy: A Regional Geography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991

Dwyer, D.J. (ed.). South East Asian Development: Geographical Perspectives. New York: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1990

Fisher, Charles. Southeast Asia: A Social, Economic and Political Geography. London: Methuen, 1964 or 1966, 2nd ed. (The classic work on the geography of Southeast Asia)

Fryer, Donald. Emerging Southeast Asia: A Study in Growth and Stagnation. New York: Wiley-Halsted, 1980, 2nd ed.

Geertz, Clifford. Agricultural Involution: The Process of Ecological Change in Indonesia. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1963.

Leinbach, Thomas R. and Richard Ulack (eds.). Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.

Leinbach, Thomas R and Chia Lin Sien. Southeast Asian Transport: Issues in Development. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1989

McGee, T. G. The Southeast Asia City: A Social Geography of the Primate Cities of Southeast Asia. New York: Praeger, 1967

McGee, T. G. and Ira M. Robinson. The Mega-Urban Regions of Southeast Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1995

Reid, Anthony. Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce. 2 volumes. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1988.

Rigg, Jonathan. Southeast Asia: A Region in Transition. London: Unwin Hyman, 1991.

Rigg, Jonathan. Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernization and Development. London and New York: Routledge, 2003, 2nd edition.

Rodan, Garry, Kevin Hewison, and Richard Robison (eds). The Political Economy of South-east Asia. Oxford, 2nd edition, 2001

Suryadinata, Leo (ed.). Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997.

Ulack, Richard and Gyula Pauer. Atlas of Southeast Asia. New York: MacMillan, 1989.


Lintner, Bertil. Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948. Westview, 1994.


Booth, Anne. The Oil Boom and After: Indonesian Economic Policy and Performance in the Soeharto Era. Singapore: Oxford, 1992.

Howard Dick, Vincent J.H. Houben, J. Thomas Lindblad, Thee Kian Wie. The Emergence of a National Economy: An Economic History of Indonesia, 1800-2000. University of Hawaii Press 2002

Hill, Hal. The Indonesian Economy Since 1966. Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 1999

Hugo, Graeme, Terry Hull, Valerie Hull, and Gavin Jones. The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development. Singapore: Oxford, 1987.

Koentjaraningrat. Javanese Culture. Oxford and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1990.

Leinbach, Thomas R. The Indonesian Rural Economy: Work, Mobility and Enterprise. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2004.


Aiken, R.; C. Leigh; T. R. Leinbach; M. Moss. Development and Environment in Peninsular Malaysia. Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 1982.

Searle, Peter. The Riddle of Malaysian Capitalism. Sydney: Allen and Unwin 1999


Frederick Wernstedt and Joseph E Spencer. The Philippine Island World: A Physical, Cultural and Regional Geography. University of California, 1967


Philip Regnier. Singapore: City State in Southeast Asia. Hawaii, 1992


Keyes, Charles. Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation-State. Westview, 1987.


Boudarel, Georges and Nguyen Van Ky. Hanoi: City of the Rising Dragon. Rowman and Littlefield, 2002.

Hickey, Gerald. Village in Vietnam. Yale , 1964.

Leung, Suiwah (ed). Vietnam and the East Asian Crisis. Edward Elgar, 1999.