(14 of 38)

Interlobular Ducts

Lobules (compact aggregates of secretory units) are separated by connective tissue septa. The secretory products of each lobule must eventually be conveyed by ducts out of the lobules. The ducts pass from the lobules into the connective tissue septa where they join one to another. In this image are several secretory ducts (A) together with an artery (B) and vein (C) in a connective tissue septum located between two lobules. These particular secretory ducts are referred to as interlobular ducts. Secretory ducts are classified by their relationship to the lobules. Note the capillaries (D) closely related to the base of these secretory ducts.


A - interlobular secretory duct
B - artery
C - vein

D - capillary
E - serous secretory acini

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