
Discussion from McGrain and Currens (1978)

Jessamine County is in the Blue Grass region of Kentucky, lying mostly in the Inner Blue Grass. The terrain is generally gently to mildly rolling, but in the area southeast of lower Hickman Creek in the Little Hickman-Pollard part of the county it becomes hilly, more typical of the Outer Blue Grass.

The Kentucky River marks the entire southern boundary of the county. Its deeply entrenched, meandering valley has a marked influence on the topography of the county. Here are found the lowest elevations, the steepest slopes, and greatest local relief. The lowest elevation in the county, 497 feet, is the normal pool level of the Kentucky River where it leaves the county near Brooklyn Bridge. The valley walls, locally almost vertical, rise 400 feet or more above the stream.

In the upland area away from the river, elevations of 950 to 1000 feet are common. Ridgetops may be flat or nearly so. Karst features are locally conspicuous but do not dominate the landscape. The highest point in the county appears to be 1072 feet, on a ridge just west of the Southern Railroad about 3 miles north of Nicholasville.

The elevation of Nicholasville, the county seat, is 930 feet. Elevations at other communities are High Bridge, 750 feet; Keene, 911 feet; Spears, 994 feet; and Wilmore, 926 feet. The Southern Railroad bridge (High Bridge) over the Kentucky River at the community of High Bridge is at an elevation of 795 feet, 281 feet above the stream.

The 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps that cover the county are shown, by name and by index code (Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet) on the index map.

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