The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms

Table of Contents (2nd edition)

Chapter 1. The Basics.

  1. Structure and Stability of Organic Compounds
  2. Bronsted Acidity and Basicity
  3. Kinetics and Thermodynamics
  4. Getting Started at Drawing a Mechanism
  5. Classes of Overall Transformations
  6. Classes of Mechanisms
  7. Summary

Chapter 2. Polar Reactions under Basic Conditions.

  1. Substitution and Elimination at C(sp3)–X σ Bonds, Part I
  2. Addition of Nucleophiles to Electrophilic π Bonds
  3. Substitution at C(sp2)–X σ Bonds
  4. Substitution and Elimination at C(sp3)–X σ Bonds, Part II
  5. Base-Promoted Rearrangements
  6. Two Multistep Reactions
  7. Summary

Chapter 3. Polar Reactions under Acidic Conditions.

  1. Carbocations
  2. Substitution and β-Elimination Reactions at C(sp3)–X
  3. Electrophilic Addition to Nucleophilic C=C π Bonds
  4. Substitution at Nucleophilic C=C π Bonds
  5. Nucleophilic Addition to and Substitution at Electrophilic π Bonds.
  6. Summary

Chapter 4. Pericyclic Reactions.

  1. Introduction
  2. Electrocyclic Reactions
  3. Cycloadditions
  4. Sigmatropic Rearrangements
  5. Ene Reactions.
  6. Summary

Chapter 5. Free Radical Reactions.

  1. Free Radicals
  2. Chain Free-Radical Reactions
  3. Nonchain Free-Radical Reactions
  4. Miscellaneous Radical Reactions
  5. Summary

Chapter 6. Transition-Metal-Mediated and -Catalyzed Reactions.

  1. Introduction to the Chemistry of Transition Metals
  2. Addition Reactions
  3. Substitution Reactions
  4. Rearrangement Reactions
  5. Elimination Reactions
  6. Summary

Chapter 7. Mixed Mechanism Problems.