ACE registration instructions

Step 1: Register

If you have already used ACE, do not reregister. Your username and password are your linkBlue username, which usually has a format such as jjrobi226, and password. Use the UK password management tool to manage your linkBlue (and ACE Organic) password.

  1. Go to the ACE login page.
  2. Press Register.
  3. Enter your first and last names; middle initial is optional.
  4. Check the appropriate boxes:
  5. Enter your linkBlue username. It should be something like jxqz223.
  6. Enter your eight-digit UK ID number, beginning with 0 or 1. Do NOT enter the leading 9 if it makes it nine digits.
  7. If you would like to receive text messages or emails from ACE when new assignments are posted, due dates are changed, or someone responds to your forum post, enter the appropriate email address. For example, if you use AT&T and your cell phone number is (859) 867-5309, you should enter to receive text messages at that number. Leave this field blank if you don't want to receive messages from ACE.
  8. Press Register. (If you get an error message, ignore it.)

Step 2: Login and enter a course

  1. Go back to the ACE login page.
  2. Enter your linkBlue username and password, and press the return or enter key or the Login button.
  3. You will see a Tutorials course, and you should also see the name of your current organic chemistry course. Click on the name of a course to enter it.

You'll now arrive at the Course Home Page. You'll see four tabs and four buttons, which are available on every page.